Chapter 36: The Ugly Truths

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24th December 1893

Many days had passed since the duel. Arthur's hands were stitched back up with his finger bones straightened by Miss Grimshaw. As it was bandaged up proper good but all the same he couldn't use his hands properly.  especially when updating his journal.

In the last month or so he had been writing about the Red Wolf and even drawing a picture of him. On some pages it wrote whether he should bring the man in and on some others it was about killing him. Blaming him for all the heist losses they had for 2 months.

Albeit, writing with his hands was harder than he thought. He now sat in his room at the manor trying to write out the events to when he previously met the Red Wolf as he wrote.

As if things couldn't get any worse for us, or for me for that matter. A shopping trip with uncle and the girls lead to me meeting the English bastard yet again. Mary-Beth went in without knowing who she robbed, she looked terrified like she'd seen a ghost when she saw him storming after her.

He demanded his ring back? No idea how a ring could be important to him but, to her aide I stepped in to shoot him right then and there. How foolish of me that was. He shot my right hand in an instant, but he turned away and I got a hit on his ear. In return my other hand got shot. Should've just shot him the moment I saw him, but I don't know why. All I know is, the town's talking about him all the more.

Next time I do see him however, I will go for the kill. He is a man who seemed to be angry, he reminds me of Marston though I do see how Dutch can compare him to Hosea. Either way, he will be dealt with soon enough and then winter of this year will just be a memory.

He finished up with a quick drawing of the young man on his knees with his blood and his left ear missing. Though as he finished his hand tensed in pain as he dropped his pencil to the floor. Grumbling he picked it up as he was irritated by the bandages around his hands.

"Hey, are you alright Arthur?" A young voice called.

Arthur turned and saw Mary-Beth standing in the doorframe with a concerned look on her. "Oh I'll live, just like Davey and Marston of all people" He replied with a scoffing smirk.

Her face just wretched with guilt as she sat next to Arthur on his bed with a pale sorrow face. "I'm so sorry Arthur...if I-"

"Don't beat yourself up. It'll do nothing good for either of us. Just he was reaching for his gun. He could have killed you" Arthur said as he closed up his journal. "You didn't know who he was when you saw him."

Mary-Beth nodded though she was sceptic of the whole scene. She overheard the conversations he was having with his girl. From what she understood, he seemed quite kind and caring. Though he seemed very vain and a bit presumptuous, his words seemed genuine and was called "Braveheart".  He was daring and strong but she felt sorry for him as he said something about a debt.

"But he didn't, I mean when I saw him with his girlfriend. He seemed so sad talking to her. When I overheard he was such a charmer and a tear jerker. He talked like he was an angel that fell from heaven."

"Well that explains his ugly face." Arthur witted as he put his journal into his satchel.

"Like a real Prince Charming. If he didn't have her I'd have fallen for him." The dreamy headed girl went on.

"Be careful with men like him Mary-Beth." Arthur replied, rather irritably. "That for all we knew could have been a mask to hide his true colours.  You remember we had a traitor, we thought he was alright but he showed his true self when it got too much for him. The English bastard's just playing his fiddle on the town, hiding behind the sheriff."

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