Chapter 59: Return to Jamestown

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9th October 1894

Weeks had passed since they left Utah. Robert, Arthur and Mary-Beth the trio of outlaws  had travelled on horseback and on long train journeys. Through untamed wildness open plains, treacherous mountains, large forests and many western towns. Passing through Idaho, Wyoming, Montana to finally arrive on the train in Bismarck North Dakota. It was an early cold autumn morning that greeted them after arriving.

Once stepping out, they all grabbed their horses from the cattle car. Which was a relief for the horses but also for Robert and Arthur. Being that they didn't have to share the same cabin with each other. It had been the most awkward train journey of their lives. They had nothing to say to each other and only spoken when Mary-Beth did and asking Robert advise on her writing skills. Arthur just kept to himself and Copper, at least the dog was the most happy on the journey and was even more when they departed into Bismarck.

"So, this is it." Mary-Beth said as she mounted onto Old Girl. 

"Yeah, I guess so." Robert replied as he got onto Gold Tiger. "One last ride."

And with that, Robert lead the last ride back into Jamestown. It would be hours of a ride, in that time Mary-Beth had tried to keep Arthur a bit happier and less grumpy. He had obviously guessed this whole journey was about Robert's lover the moment he mentioned North Dakota when riding out of camp. Though he didn't inquire the real reasoning, only that they were getting back together. 


"Jessica Green. I get it now....your here just to get back with her." Arthur accused before looking at Mary-Beth. "And you tagged along just to make things easier."

" that a problem Arthur?" Robert asked harshly.

"Well I'll be in the saloon then, I can't believe Dutch dragged me into a Romeo and Juliet drama!"


"So, just to make things clear. The last time we were here, the O'Driscolls were about and the law might quite possibly be still onto us." Arthur stated aloud as he petted Copper in his lap on the ride.

"Well, given the fact that it has been nearly a year since also the people might still like me. I might be wanted but I'm still respected somewhat." Robert retorted harshly.

"And how the hell do you know?" Arthur scoffed as he accused. "You've been with us for nearly 10 months now, you've had bounty hunters going after you and she hasn't written to you in that time, so how am I suppose to know it's not a trap!"

"I don't, but to quote Dutch. Gotta have some faith mate." Robert retorted back. "Besides, we keep a low profile then we got nothing to worry about."

The bickering soon died after that as they passed along the familiar emerald plains that Robert loved riding along so long ago.

Mary-Beth sat on Old Girl but was starting to get worried as the distance was closing. "I hope she doesn't, well....last time I met her it didn't go down well." She muttered remembering her shouting at her at the Christmas eve party. 

"She's vain and sharp with her tongue but she's one of the nicest people in town when you know her. I'll tell her things are somewhat forgiven." Robert replied back softly, knowing how an awkward conversation it would be. Him riding with someone who robbed him and another who shot off his ear. 

A cold breeze hit his face and over the missing left ear. "Some, that is." He said as he glared back at Arthur. "But she'll understand, once I'll talk to her, just leave it to me."

Arthur just began laughing at that point, as if it was the most absurd he ever heard of. "Then why hasn't she written until recently?" Arthur asked sarcastically.

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