Chapter 17: Survival of the fittest

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Ashmore manor was quite an upscale from the gang's usual camp locations. They were really lucky with finding such a place in which everyone was together in the same building. Granted the building was run down and some bullet holes could be seen in some places, it was the best camp that was found for them and even more fitting to finish off the year in a manor after having another successful year of robbing.

Marybeth was sowing up a shirt as she sat next to the warm fire as was Tilly. They were both currently the youngest people in the gang and were both best friends from the moment they met each other. Tilly was in the gang for a bit longer than Marybeth but it didn't change thing as they were as close as sisters and they'd share many gossips and small talks amongst each other.

"You know what's going on with Hosea and John?" Marybeth asked.

"Yeah I've heard about their leads being stolen. Whoever they're dealing with is certainly a dangerous fellow." Tilly replied.

"From what I heard from Arthur. The man seems younger than 20."

"What? No, but wouldn't Arthur have been like that at a young age?" Marybeth was puzzled, it was like a man from her books had come to life. The man seemed to be like Arthur in being highly skilled.

"I don't think so. Robbing a train is hard enough work, let alone causing an avalanche for that to happen. If Arthur had done something familiar then he'd be the talk of the town." Tilly said as she grabbed a pair of trousers and began patching up.

Then a dog walked up to Marybeth receiving its affection from the girl as she patted the hound. It was Copper, Arthur's dog. Whenever he wasn't around Copper would be hanging around Marybeth and Tilly as if to guard them from the unknown.

"Good boy" The brunette praised the dog as she petted his head. He was an old dog but he was never the less Arthur's most trusted pet after his horse.

"You ever think how a man like him could be that well trained up? Maybe he's been like this the whole life he's lived." Tilly stated as she put a shirt down and picked another up to patch up.

"Or he's lucky. He must have been a privileged boy when he were younger." Marybeth guessed as she thought about the man. The main guns of the gang except Mac had all described the Red Wolf as some wannabe hero but being quite a nuisance to them. Marybeth was tempted to buy their explanations of the man but she couldn't agree on it, it seemed as though they were annoyed they were bested.

15th September 1885

Autumn had come and it had been weeks since Chicago. More than a month since New York. The last time Robert ever saw his mother and sister. He didn't know how to feel anymore. All he want's now is to feel his mother's affection and his sister's presence to calm him down. Because he didn't know what he was doing but run. Running from was the man's fault but Robert still pulled the trigger. Nothing is ever gonna be pure and simple ever again.

Then with regards to John, the boy he met in Chicago had been the only decent person who gave him advise and helped him in some way. A hunting knife was all he had from him. And he kept it hidden with the gun. He even missed John, he wished he was with John right now instead of being on the back of a stage coach passing through the middle of no where.

Now Robert didn't know where he was, he only knew that it had been a long journey. He had made many other jumps onto stages but he had hidden himself from either from the back or hanging underneath the wagons.

Food he had was either stolen from the cargo or it was being eaten slowly and small. He was a hell of a lot skinnier to when he was in New York. His quench for thirst was getting worse every day. There had been no opportunity for him to drink at all. He was lucky when it rained but it didn't help. At this point he just wanted the stagecoach to stop in a town or city. He didn't care. For now he hung off the back of the wagon asleep.

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