Chapter 35: The day will come when you won't be

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October 12th 1890

A quiet dusk evening had come, though the time for rest was yet to come. For a group of 7 riders, they rode their horses pounding over the ground with the speeds like a cheetah and the courage of Wolves charging onto their prey. The Wolves were heading straight towards there greatest enemy they ever encountered. One who had made it personal and the most dangerous had fuelled one of the riders with the perfect motivation to kill the threat.

The fire and the burning rage fired through the Red Wolf as he lead the posse of his group towards the final target, Thomas Ashmore.

The man who tried to kill all the natives on the land, a man who lied, cheated and stolen pay off workers. The man hired degenerate mercenaries to do his dirty work and be his enforcers. He had to die. Ashmore must die.

Not just that, he knew who he was. If he told anyone else, Pinkertons would be onto him along with anyone who knew about Anders Anderson's murder. And they would give him a fate worse than death, so no matter what was gonna happen. Ashmore was going to die.

The Emerald plains were shown to an orange dusk, which was soon to turn to red. That's all Red Wolf saw, the red rage within. The others felt similar as they rode alongside, prepared for a fight. Though despite this there was some who didn't think this course of actions was right or that it was their fight.

"Don't do this! Please Robert!" Liam yelled out to him. "We can't engage in a fight that isn't ours!"

"I can do whatever I want Liam! I've been through the hell of this life and I'm not gonna stop until Ashmore is dead." Robert argued back at him as he looked over his shoulder as he lead the charge.

"Man, I don't know about this! He's too powerful and besides, what if he's already won?!" Liam retorted back as he sighed angrily.

"He won't win when he's dead." Robert witted with a smirk.

Liam took a gulp as he still argued his point as he spoke. "Look, I know the man tried to hang you and Jessica along with me and Oscar. But still, we need to keep some distance from him. We need to lie low! Pinkerton's and lawmen might get wind after all the shooting we've all been through!"

"That's exactly what's going to happen Liam! You once told me you always believed in me. Why not now when our lives are at risk. No-one else knows our names except him. We don't know if he has told anyone, but even so. He's going to die! We do this so the natives won't and don't suffer ever more for it!" Robert explained on, heavily confused and frustrated why Liam was against this. "Not only that, he might have something wealthy for us to plunder and use more better than hiring thugs to do his dirty work!"

"Have you forgotten that Ashmore is apart of Bismarck and Chicago high society! When he dies people are gonna start poking around for answers and they might point the blame on us! We've never killed a millionaire before Robert! And for good reason!" Liam roared out with his Irish Galway accent more present.

"I'm done explaining myself to you Liam your such an arsehole!" Robert cursed as he looked back at him dead in the eyes, and the other young man just returned the gaze.

"You English bastard! I-"


The others all looked around but then looked back at the Blue Wolf who held his revolver in the air as it smoked with a fury in him, sick of their behaviour towards each other. "Alright, enough the pair of you! Seems no matter what happened we're all in this together! Ashmore's fate had been sealed no matter what."

The Red Wolf ~ A Red Dead Redemption storyWhere stories live. Discover now