Chapter 25: The Wolves of Dakota

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It was a mild day in May in the town of Jamestown. Though the town had been growing for a little bit as more people flocked over to the territories of the Dakota states hoping to start a new life and have the chance to do well in the territory yet to be a state.

Though with that said many groups of people come over with many different ideologies and new ideas. The Suffrage movement for example is about in Jamestown as many of the women who came over to the town wanted a better life for themselves. Afterall all these people were still feeling repressed under the United States Government.

So for now they protested in the streets of Jamestown in-front of the Town hall which had many women and girls outside with their posters and banners out yelling their preaches out to the town, demanding the mayor do something about it.

Including the daughter of the Sheriff Green. Jessica was meant to be heading to school but it seemed she found more focus on the peaceful protest than to learn. All in determination to make her deceased mother proud. Though there was some women and girls who didn't participate either because they were scared or that it was a waste. But it didn't stop those who truly believed in equal rights.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a great day! A glorious day for us all! We all live as equals and fair to each other. The Federal government needs to recognise that our voices exist! We help as much as men to build this country to be free just as the founding fathers intended! Why would we be the United States if we are all bickering and yelling amongst each other!" The main woman of the group yelled out.

"BOO!" Yelled a drunk who stumbled around along with a couple others who seemed to share his opinion. Other people who passed had shown their respect though of course there was an odd group who was against it all.

"Listen! votes for women!" Jessica screamed out with a pride as she shook her banner up high. With no urge to give up her place.

"Shut up!" A drunk yelled out but he just kept stumbling around so no-one paid much attention to him.

"Go back to the hole you crawled from." One of the women insulted. But they were told not to engage in a fight as it would go against the peaceful protest. Though the heckling kept on going as the drunks kept harassing the protestors.

"Circus has come early it seems!"

"Nobody likes you here!" Another protestor scowled at the crowd of men who kept on yapping on their profanities.

"Go back to your kitchens and shut up!"

"Or what?" Jessica was beyond frustrated as she gazed onto the nearest drunk who took off his thick leather glove and whacking it on his hand in an aggressive manner. He didn't take being disrespected well.

"Naughty girls get a spank where I come from. Perhaps then you'd learn to show respect." The bastard growled.

"I'd like to see you try!"


The man turned around to see the Sheriff standing there armed with his cattleman revolver along with a bunch of deputies who had come along to disperse the crowds. The man's face fell as he dropped his glove in an instant.

"Sheriff?" He quivered as other drunks started to take notice and started to back away from the protest. "We...we never-"

"You fellers better be playing fair. Otherwise I'll arrest every last one of you! Now get!" The lawman threatened as those men ran off in an instant.

He sighed as he lit a cigarette before walking towards the protestors to where a red head girl was standing outside the steps of the town hall. Not too please to see his daughter was here and not where she was supposed to be.

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