Chapter 42: The End of the Wolves

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October 18th 1890

Cold rain poured down hard in Jamestown as their was hardly anyone around who wanted to be outside at the time. A rider on a brown shire horse rode in though unlike many other times before, he rode in without a care in the world. For he was numb in feeling and didn't care that the rain was making him ill.

He was shivering and alone. He had been riding for days aimlessly as after he had looted the manor and buried Oscar and burned all the Bloodspillers bodies. The Pinkertons had shortly arrived as he left as he figured that killing Ashmore had brought quite a lot of attention. Even in town some people were rejoicing that the corrupt vile man was dead. Though the question on who killed him was yet to be answered.

Robert was alone for the first time in a long time. He had been starving himself out of guilt and he knew he wasn't wanted by the others. And given everything the Natives had been through, he wasn't too sure if he wanted to be there. In turn he had no-one else to turn to. But there was one exception.

He hitched up Old Girl to the post as he walked to the door of the Green's house. He shivered violently as he hesitated to knock on the door. This was the only place he could think to go to as he didn't think he had anywhere else to go.

After some knocking had gone on. The door soon opened and a young familiar red head girl was there. And was shocked to see the boy she loved in such an abysmal state.

"Robert? What have you done to yourself?!" Jessica exclaimed as she let Robert in the house and letting him inside towards the fireplace.

She felt the wet clothing he had as it dripped in the house and she felt the mud over his hands but for now she didn't care as she lead him to the couch that sat opposite the fire.

"Wasn't me....*cough*...Liam did this...." He said painfully as he sat down carefully but since he had a bruised rib it was hard to do so.

"What? But...Come on in. I got hot chocolate ready here, you need it right now." She then took his hat and red jacket off and gave him a mug of hot chocolate to drink. He took it carefully as he felt the heat from the mug burning his hands but he allowed it as it was the first heat he felt in his hands for a while.

As he took a sip, Jessica noticed the puffy black eyes he had on his face, the broken nose, the blood stains and cut lips. And from the way he was sitting, he seemed to have a broken rib or a few. His injuries seemed extensive but not beyond life threatening.

She had heard worse before when he said he survived a wolf and bear attack. Sometimes he had been stabbed and taking a bullet in the shoulder for Shane one time. Though he always seemed to have pulled through. Here though she noticed how detached he was as he wasn't chatting to her about anything. 

After a brief silence and Robert warming up she decided to ask. "What's wrong?"

Another silence ensued as Robert was staring into the fireplace. Almost imagining it to be hell and he deserved to be there. A tear rolled down his cheek as he answered in guilt. "Oscars...dead....he took a bullet for me."

Her heartbeat seemed to have stopped too as she put her hand over her mouth. She couldn't believe it, the young boy who looked up to her in an older sister way. She looked at the floor in disbelief of it all, the youngest of the Wolves was dead. The news was so unbearable that she began to cry .She sobbed a bit before wiping her eyes and looking back at Robert who was still staring at the fire.

She soon spoke as she thought on Oscar and looked at Robert with sympathy. "Oh I'm so sorry! He was so young...I hope Liam-"

Though she paused as she looked back at his injuries on his face and it all came back to her.

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