Chapter One: Barbie Bitch

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Let's set the scene first. It's March 1986 around spring break time. You're 19yrs. old and you live in Lenora Hills, California. You live with your adoptive family. You have a very good relationship with your family.

*ding ding ding ding ding*
*ding ding ding ding ding*
I sleepily roll over in bed to turn my alarm clock off. With my eyes still closed I reach over and hit the nightstand many times before hitting the actual alarm clock. I have to get up and get ready for work soon but a couple minutes couldn't hurt right? I couldn't fall back asleep no matter how hard I tried so I got up. I rub my eyes and sigh.
"Back to the roller rink to babysit a bunch of teens on"
Opening my closet I spot a metal band t-shirt hanging up on the far right side.
"Eddie. I should give him a call. See how he's doing"
I grab my uniform and get ready for work. After I get ready I head to the kitchen. There's a phone on the wall right before the kitchen archway. I glance at the phone. I turn around and go back into my room. I grab the torn piece of paper from my mirror and go back to the phone. As I dial up the number my dog runs past barking. I shush her as if she would actually listen. The phone keeps ringing. Eventually I get voicemail.
"Huh, Eddie said that he'd be home during spring break. Maybe he's just not awake yet, I'll call back later."
I put the phone back onto the wall and stuffed the paper into my pocket. I go into the kitchen where my mom is cooking something.
"What's for breakfast?"
"Hmm let's see pancakes, eggs, and about three and a half strips of bacon. You can blame the lack of bacon on your father. He always manages to sneak away with some whenever I make it."
"Sounds like dad"
We both chuckle. I pick up a plate and start to assemble my breakfast. As I go to grab a couple pancakes I almost trip over my dog.
"C'mon move"
I nudge her with my leg but she doesn't even flinch. Her eyes are dead set on the remaining bacon on my plate.
"Fine you can have half a strip"
I toss the bacon into the living room and she bolts after it. I shake my head and finish putting the food on my plate. I start eating my breakfast and realize I'm running late.
"Shoot I have to go"
I let my dog eat the leftover food off my plate and put my dishes in the sink. I dash to the front door and almost forgot my keys. I grab them off the wall and say goodbye to my family. I rush to The Rink-O-Mania and barely make it in time for my shift.
"Hey how's business today?" I say to a coworker.
"Not bad, the kids are loving this place now that it's spring break"
"That's good"
Most of my day was spent handing out milkshakes to teenage couples who were gazing into each other's eyes. It made me sick. But I guess I can't say much. I used to be just like them. Swearing that my relationship would last forever. That we were "soulmates". Pfft. Stupid shit like that. I was just about to end my shift when a group began to form in the rink. They were all circling something. I tried to get a better look at who or what was in the middle. I heard a splash and a bunch of people laughing. Through the circle I could see a girl drenched and crying. I could've stepped up but it was none of my business. I went into the break room to grab a drink and heard people gasping. I peered out the door and the girl who was soaked had smacked who I was assuming was the bully square in the forehead with a skate.
"Fuck ya. Barbie looking bitch deserved it."

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