Chapter Twenty Two: The Clock

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I make it to the center of the clouds. It's a big abandoned house. There is a tear in the ground similar to the ones going through Hawkins. I walk around the tear into the house. It's quiet.
"There's nothing here. Fuck."
I hear the sounds of something squishing and squelching behind me. My heart drops.
"Who are you?" booms a gravely deep voice.
I whip around to find what I can only describe as a man shaped creature. He was a mess of flesh. He had one huge hand with long ass claws. I guess you can tell which hand he uses to...nevermind this is no time for jokes.
"I said, who are you."
Do I answer? Do I run? What am I supposed to do in this situation? He walks closer and I step back. The grandfather clock in the room chimes. He looks concerned. Eleven must have gotten to the clock. He points his hand to the stairs and the vines rebuild the stairs that were torn. He's trying to get to the attic. Steve told me that if he got to the attic he could get into Eleven's mind. I stretched out my arm and used my powers to rip the vines away from the stairs. Vecna turns his head towards me and begins to approach. I back up until I'm pressed against the grandfather clock. He is inches away from me. Just then the walkie in my backpack goes off.
"Hey it's Nancy, how are things going there?"
Vecna grabs my wrist and tears away my jacket sleeve revealing my tattoo. He grumbles and flicks his wrist. I'm thrown across the room. I hit the wall and my vision blurs and I can't breathe. I stand up and see him with his hand above the clock. He's trying to stop Eleven. I raise the clock and motion it outside. He turns to me and tries to throw me again, but I hoist him into the air and using all the strength I have I hold him there. I hurriedly shake my backpack off and reach for the walkie, but he throws it aside. My arm is trembling. I don't know how much longer I can hold on. The clock chimes again. Vecna closes his eyes and raises his arms. The screech of many monsters radiates from the outside. I twist my hand and tighten my grip on him.
"You want him back. He's coming back." he chokes out.

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