Chapter Eleven: This is Crazy

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The guy from the laundry tables opens the door of the PE office.
"Hey you're awake. Welcome back."
He hands me a bottle of water and a tissue.
Through sniffles I reply, "Yeah, thanks."
"What happened are you alright?"
Before I could answer Dustin speaks up.
"So she's like Eleven y'know powers and stuff."
I show him my tattoo.
"Holy crap no way. Do you have a name besides one hundred ten?"
"Yeah my name's y/n"
"Nice to meet you y/n. I'm Steve."
"Hi Steve."
"So does Eleven know you're here and that you have powers?" asks Dustin.
"She does now. She talked to me through my mind."
Steve nods his head.
"Oooh okay. Well I guess we should head over and talk to her about this. This is crazy."
We head outside. We pass the sandwich assembly table.
"Hey Robin we need to talk. Like not here." said Steve to one of the girls working the table.
"Oh ok", she waved to the other girl there, "I guess I'll see you later?"
"Yeah absolutely" the girl replied.
We hurried out to our cars. Before splitting up Steve introduced me to the girl.
"Um Robin this is y/n. Y/n this is Robin."
We waved at each other. Steve, Dustin, and Robin get into Steve's car and I get in mine. We drove to the Wheeler's house.

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