Chapter Thirty One: Relentless Love

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I follow Joyce's car to a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. I park and get out. I walk over to Joyce's window and tell her that it's okay if she leaves. She does so and I walk up to a door of the warehouse. I knock. No answer. I knock again. Nothing. I knock a bunch of times. I jump from the sound of a speaker.
"Who are you?" a voice says from the speaker.
"Y/n? I need to ask you about something."
"You say your name like it's a question. How do you know about me? How do you know where I live?"
"I'm a friend of Nancy and Jonathan's. Joyce showed me the way here."
He's silent for a few seconds.
"Look at the camera." he demands.
I look around but find no camera.
"Jesu- it's in the corner!" he yells through the speaker.
I look into the corner at a little red light. I wave. I can hear many locks unlocking through the door. A man in a bathrobe opens the door.
He glares at me and questions, "What do you want?"
"Well you're the conspiracy guy and I need some input on a potential theory" I say.
He moves to the side.
"Welcome to my humble abode" he says with a sarcastic tone.
I walk in and sit on a tattered couch.
"So let me guess" he says taking a couple glasses down from a cabinet, "you want to see if there's a way to bring back your ex lover from the dead because you're still mourning his quite traumatic and sudden death, but have no idea how because he died in an alternate dimension as a vampire."
I stare at him in amazement as he pours alcohol in to the glasses. He brings them over and hands one to me.
"How'd I do?" he asks.
"Pretty spot on honestly. How do you know all this?" I say.
"You're friends told me all about it. I knew you'd come to me eventually. Young love is relentless. But so is grief. You need to let go. He's gone."
I look down at the glass in my hands. I tip the cup to my lips and gulp down the alcohol. I set the glass on the table in front of me.
"He's not gone." I say.
Murray smiles.
"More vodka?" he asks and takes our cups back to the kitchen to fill them. "You're so sure that he's not gone. What's your proof?"
He sets the glass onto the table in front of me. I take a drink.
"Have you ever played DnD?"

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