Chapter Two: Stay Safe

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I got home and began to undress. I emptied my pockets and found the paper with Eddie's number on it. I slipped on some shorts and his old band tee and went to the phone. It went to voicemail again. Eddie would always answer my calls even if we could only talk for a few minutes. I tried not to think too much about it. He was probably preforming with his band somewhere. Corroded Coffin wasn't very popular in Hawkins, but maybe he scored a gig somewhere for an old rocker's birthday or something. I went back to my room and sat on my bed. The scrap of paper felt heavy in my hands. Even though I was the one to break it off, I still missed Eddie. We stayed friends but there was always this tension after the breakup. We both wanted to be together but I couldn't risk it. It kinda finalized after we moved out of Hawkins. Eddie and I talked as much as we could on the phone. Informing each other on what's been going on. Especially Eddie. Hawkins was always a crazy place. Strange things would happen all the time. My parents got tired of it when three years ago a little Russian kid was running around the woods, so they decided to move. It was mostly to keep me safe. We knew the kid wasn't Russian the second we found out she ran away from Hawkins Lab. She was like me. An experiment. We didn't know where things would go so getting out of Hawkins was the best choice. I could have been found and taken back into captivity. Higher ups would kill for a weapon like me. I tried to keep my abilities a secret, but it's hard keeping something like that away from someone you're close with. I didn't know what I was capable of and that really scared me. I wanted to keep Eddie safe so I thought that breaking up would do that. And it did. Eddie still doesn't know that I can do things with my mind and I don't ever plan on telling him. My parents taught me to hide the tattoo on my wrist that signified me being a test rat for the first five years of my life. Whether it be with bracelets, hair ties, a watch, or even makeup when needed. They said it could give too much away. Make people curious. I guess I'd be curious too if a kid had a Holocaust style tattoo on their arm. Kinda suspicious. I often wonder what happened to the other kids that were tested on in the same facility as me. I didn't even know that there were other places that did those horrible things until we moved into Hawkins. That place got shut down after the little "Russian" girl escaped thankfully.

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