Chapter Six: Operation Find Eddie

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I have to find Eddie. I told myself I would keep him safe and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I need money for a plane ticket and a rental car once I get to Indiana, but all my money is in the bank. The bank is closed. I'll restock my college fund jar once I get back. I need I need the money now. I leave early in the morning . The plane ride to Hawkins isn't going to get me there until about noon. Until then I'll think of how I'm gonna get the entire world not to hunt Eddie down.
After five long hours I finally make it to Indiana. I still have to drive to Hawkins. The closer I get to Hawkins the more busy the roads are which is unusual. There are billowing dark clouds hovering above the town. Ashes fall from the sky. Almost every car has luggage strapped to the top.
"I guess everyone's getting out of here. I also guess that Hawkins is going down in flames so I better hurry my ass up."
I go to Eddie's trailer to talk to his uncle Wayne, but nobody was home. I drive to Gareth's house where Corroded Coffin would practice to hopefully get some info on where Eddie is. As I got out of my car I could see Gareth packing his drums into a moving van along with Jeff and his guitar.
"Hey guys!"
They whipped around to look at me.
"Shut up. No way. What a time to come back right?" Jeff stated.
"Yeah. I was wondering if you guys knew where Eddie was? Nobody's home at the trailer."
"Oh uh. I don't know where Eddie's been. He's um been missing since that girl died in his trailer. My opinion? Overdose. Yeah she was pretty fucked up..." said Gareth.
"Ok do you know anyone that might have any information? Maybe someone from the club?"
"Hellfire Club?" they said in unison.
"Yeah isn't that the "cult" that has been blamed for all of this? I mean Eddie's DND club?"
"How do you know about Hellfire Club? It wasn't even a thing when you were here." said Jeff.
"Eddie and I talked. On the phone. A lot. Until he went missing of course."
"Oh uh I mean we're part of the club, but we don't know anything. You could try to find Lucas. He was looking for Eddie a few days ago too." said Gareth.
"Okay do you know where he could be?"
"He hangs out at the Wheeler's a lot. You could check there." said Jeff.
"Nancy Wheeler's? The drama club junior who thought she was all the shit?"
"Damn I mean yeah, but she's graduated now. In college I think." reminisced Gareth.
"Her little brother Mike is in the club too. If Lucas isn't there Mike will know where he is." said Jeff.
"Okay thanks you guys"
"Yeah no problem" said Jeff.

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