Chapter Fifteen: Kas the Bloody Handed

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( just a lil playlist to hype up the next few chapters as you read lol, I'd suggest you start listening right about now:
I head back inside to converse on what to do next. Everyone is silent and staring at the ground. I clear my throat.
"So what do we know about this demon, alternate dimension, dude?"
Dustin looks up surprised that I spoke. The kids all glance at each other. Mike hurriedly unzips his backpack and takes out a board game box. Will looks confused.
"You kept that?" Will asks.
"Yeah of course" replies Mike.
"I don't know. I just thought that maybe we could go back to old times and play with the original party. You know after we save the world again."
Will smiles. If I'm not wrong I thought that Mike and El were a thing, but the way Will gazes at Mike is so much more than just friendship. I could go on and on analyzing the relationships of the people in this room, but we have a plan to make. Mike opens the board, splays it on a box, and sets up a few of the game pieces.
"So" says Dustin, "This is us", he points to a group of game pieces on the board and then flips it over. "And this is the upside down. Vecna is here" he points to another game pieces.
"Wait who's Vecna in our situation. Isn't he just a DnD character?" I ask.
"The "demon dude". We named him Vecna." he says mocking me. "This whole thing is like one big DnD game. Vecna and his monsters are the opposing party and we're trying to win the game. So far we know that all his monsters are a big hive mind. If one gets hurt, they all feel it. And the best way to hurt them? Fire. Now we've already tried burning Vecna and of course that didn't work..."
I rack my brain for any DnD information that I have. All I know is what Eddie has told me.
"Hey isn't there a character in the game that defeats Vecna? Eddie would always tell me all about the game's lore and I think I remember him saying something about one specific character that can take this Vecna character out."
"What does that have to do with anything that is happening in real life?" says Mike.
"Wait she has a point!" exclaims Dustin.
"What?" asks Will.
"She's right! It was Eddie's game character. Kas the Bloody Handed. He was Vecna's right hand man until he turned on him and defeated Vecna with the sword of Kas." explains Dustin.
"I still don't see how this applies to us." says Mike.
"Honestly me neither I just got excited that she knows this stuff." says Dustin.
You know when a cartoon character gets an idea and the lightbulb appears over their head? Yeah imagine that's what just happened with me. I dove to my knees to get closer to the board.
"How did Kas become Kas?" I asked looking at Dustin.
"He was a rival of Vecna's that was killed and brought back by bats-"
Dustin's face dropped and his eyes widened.
"Sound a little familiar?" I hinted.
Robin sprinted over and leaned over the board.
"Eddie was killed by bats." she says.
"So, and I know it sounds crazy, but what if Eddie isn't dead."
"Y/n I saw him with my own eyes. I know it's hard to think about, but Eddie died." states Steve.
"Yes I know and that just proves my point. Kas was killed by the bats. And then he was revived as a vampire. Vecna in our case knows that we're trying to get rid of him, so wouldn't it make sense if he needed something to ward us off?"
"I hate to say this guys, but she might be right." says Mike.
"But how would we know?" asks Nancy.
Eleven and I exchange glances. We know what we have to do.

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