Chapter Twenty Eight: I'm Going Crazy

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I get up and take the sword down from it's shelf. I set the sword on my bed and sit next to it.
"This is crazy. I've gone crazy."
I place my fingertips on the cold blade and close my eyes. One deep breath and I'm back to the abyss. I walk around for a minute when I hear music echo. Not just any music. An electric guitar. Either I'm making this up or Eddie is here somewhere. I walk towards the sound and slowly begin to see a picnic table with someone sitting on it. I walk up to him. He stops playing.
"I knew you'd come find me" he says.
He turns around with the biggest smile.
"Hi love."
I'm speechless. It takes me a minute to reconcile.
"Are you real?" I ask.
Eddie looks at me confused.
"Well yeah I think I am" he says patting himself down.
"Hey it's okay I'm here. I'm really here."
He puts his hand on my cheek. I chuckle.
"Y'know the last time you did this you were trying to kill me" I say holding his hand on my cheek.
I pull him into a hug. We hold each other tight. Eddie pulls away to hold my face. His eyes are watering.
"I really fucking missed you y/n."
"Eddie don't cry you're gonna make me cry."
Tears begin to roll down both of our faces.
"I want you back Eddie. I need you."
"I know love. You can do it. You were pretty badass using those powers on Vecna."
We press our foreheads together. Eddie lifts my chin.
"We should've done this more" he whispers, his breath warm against my skin.
"Done wha-"
He presses his lips against mine. God I miss this feeling.
"Saved that just for you" he says grinning from ear to ear. "As much as I don't want this to end, you have a life to get to."
"I have some bringing back an ex boyfriend from the dead to get to" I say.
"Ex? How dare you place that name upon me" he says jumping up onto the table. "Y/n the most beautiful maiden in all the land, will you give me the honor of joining our love...again."
He reaches out and I place my hand in his.
"My fair lad, of course."
He kisses from my hand to all over my face. We hug once more and wave goodbye as I open my eyes to an empty bedroom.

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