Chapter Thirty Eight: The Last Time

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Dustin and I run to the store to grab supplies and then go back to the Creel house.
"You ready for this?" I ask.
"Yeah. Let's bring Eddie back."
I walk towards the wall that the grandfather clock is on and shoo Dustin back. I raise my hand and open a gate. I look back at Dustin. His eyes are wide and his face pale. He snaps out of it and rushes over to slice open the gate with the sword. I walk through and wait for Dustin to push the clock through. I grab the top of the clock and ease it through the gate as Dustin pushes on the other side. Once we got it stood up I gave Dustin a hug.
"Promise me you'll be careful" he says slightly choking up.
"I promise" I say.
He hands me the sword and goes back through the gate. I stand in front of the clock and close my eyes. I listen to the quiet ticking and focus all of my mind on turning the hands of the clock. I can hear the hands of the clock speedily rotating. Eventually I hear a chime. That was Chrissy. And then another. Fred. And lastly another. Patrick. I open my eyes to a flipped version of Hawkins once again. I'm not quite where I need to be but I need to slow it down so I don't miss Eddie's death. I make it to approximately when Steve, Robin, and Nancy are going to show up to the Creel house to fight Vecna. As I'm about to exit the house I hear a voice behind me.
"Not so fast y/n. Didn't think your actions wouldn't have consequences?"
I freeze too surprised to turn to the undead villain behind me.
"Oh shit! Y/n!" I hear Dustin scream from the gate.
I whip around to Vecna looming over me. I'm not gonna be a pussy and get hurt like last time. I furrow my brows and flick my head to the side. Vecna goes rocketing into the wall. I raise my hand and pin him to the wall. I keep my hand raised as I storm out of the house. Vecna suspended following me like a balloon. I troop my way to the trailer park still holding Vecna tight. I make it to Eddie's trailer and spot what looked more like an apparition of Eddie and Dustin than actual people. I feel my heart drop but shake the feeling. I kneel next to Eddie.
"I didn't run away this time right?" he says.
I wince at his voice and the sight of him in pain. I place the sword next to him and put my hand on it. I close my eyes still focusing on holding Vecna above me. I then heard my name being called from afar. I open my eyes and look over my shoulder. Steve is running towards me. Not apparition Steve. Real Steve.
"What the fuck y/n!" he yells.
"Get away Steve" I warn.
"No no I'm not just gonna let you do this stupid shit. You're fucking crazy you know that. He's dead let it go!"
"I said get away Steve!" I yell.
Steve backs away. I've never raised my voice to anyone like that.
"C'mon let's go home y/n" Steve says as he grabs my shoulder.
I forcefully shrug his hand off. He goes flying back landing ass first on the concrete. I didn't mean to use my powers on him. I hope he's okay. My thoughts are cut short when Vecna struggles trying to escape my grip. I tighten it and close my eyes once again. I'm back in the abyss. I can hear Dustin tending to Steve echoing through the dark. I ignore it and look for Eddie. I find him standing looking at the ground. He looks up at me with a smile.
"Hey there sweetheart" he says.
"Wow I thought you only called your guitar that?" I respond.
"Yeah well I love my guitar and I love you so you can both share it."
We giggle. I feel a strain on my powers. I need to get this going.
"As much as I'd love to stand here and stare into your eyes you have a body to get back to" I tell him.
"Oh yeah?"
He begins walking backwards waving to me. He turns around and fades into the dark. I open my eyes and place my hand on Eddie's chest. I begin to feel weak as I try to revive Eddie. He gasps. I jump. The real Dustin runs over and sits Eddie up. I stare at Eddie's face shocked that he's actually alive. The apparition of Dustin stands and is comforted by Steve's apparition.
"Go" I breathily say to Dustin.
Dustin nods and helps Eddie up. Real Steve hobbles over and puts an arm around Eddie. I open a gate on the side of the trailer for them to go through. They stumble over to the trailer to the gate I just opened. I shakily stand with my arm tiring from the grip on Vecna. I wait for them to make it through when I close the gate. I make my way to the Creel house to rewind time and finish this all for the last time.

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