Chapter Thirty Seven: Another Plan

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"So why was I boarded in here?" I ask Dustin.
"Hop and Joyce found the gate and secured the room incase something got through."
"Why were Hopper and Joyce in my house?"
"Hopper noticed you weren't at the donut shop this morning and freaked out because he knows you talked to Murray last night. Anyways him and Joyce came to check on you and found it" he explained.
"Why are you here?" I ask.
"Steve got all worried after seeing Hop speed out of the police station. You know how he is about all of us. Mommy Steve always trying to protect everyone" he laughs.
"Yeah" I giggle, "where are the others now?"
"They went to get supplies. They're planning on storming in there to find you and drag you out" he says pointing to the gate.
I nod my head as I'm entranced in thought.
"What's up?" Dustin asks.
"Is the clock still in the house?" I ask.
"The Creel house? I don't know. I don't even know if it's still standing" he answered.
"Only one way to find out" I say.
We get up and start to go outside.
"Hey Dustin do you think that I should close that gate? Y'know in case the others come back and try to go in and find me" I ask.
Dustin turns around and says, "Great idea."
We go back into my room and I close the gate. Dustin hands me a tissue to wipe my bloody nose. We go to my car. As we're driving to the Creel house we pass a familiar van. Time feels like it slows as I lock eyes with Hopper in the driver's seat.
"Shit!" I exclaim as I turn my head away from the window.
"W-w-what what?" Dustin asks in a panic.
"That was Hop's van" I say.
"Did he see you?"
"I don't know maybe. We locked eyes, but" I look in the rearview, "they're still driving to my house."
"Good that's good."
After awhile we make it to the Creel house. We get out of the car and grab our things from the backseat. Dustin and I reach for the sword at the same time. I pull my hand back and motion for him to pick it up. He smiles from ear to ear and picks up the sword. We walk up to the crumbling house. I peer into the broken window.
"There. It's right there" I say pointing at the grandfather clock.
We tiptoe into the house. Walking over broken floorboards.
"Okay so I'm gonna open a gate right here next to the clock and we'll push the clock through into the upside down. I'll stay right next to the gate as I fast forward and as soon as I get Eddie back he's going to come right through that gate." I explain to Dustin.
"And then I'll bandage him up and get him to the hospital" he says.
"Yup and make sure you stick with him at the hospital. Some people still think he was a satanic cult leader. Don't tell them his name. Make something up."
Dustin nods his head in agreement.

Sorry that these last few chapters have been kind of all over the place. It's been hard trying to get the the ending, but it'll all be worth it in the end. I promise!

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