Chapter Twenty Nine: Donuts

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I put the sword back onto it's shelf and say goodnight. The next morning I wake up and get ready for work. The street is bustling with people and cars. It's so strange seeing Hawkins in a new light. All of main street was rebuilt and the small shops adorning it were revamped or completely replaced. A whole new police station was added too. That's where Hopper and Joyce work. Speaking of Joyce, I need to talk to her later today. Maybe I'll bring by some donuts on my lunch break. A good ol' stereotypical cops love donuts trope. It's not wrong if I'm honest. Who doesn't love donuts? Then again this is coming from a donut shop employee so maybe I'm a little biased. I park my car in front of the shop. I work until my lunch shift and put together a box of donuts. I walk down to the police station. Once inside I knock on Hopper's office door.
"Come in" Joyce yells.
I open the door and see Hopper at his desk, Joyce sitting on the corner of the desk, and El in a chair.
"Oh hey El. Didn't know you were gonna be here." I say.
She shrugs her shoulders.
"Just thought I'd hang out with Joyce and dad."
I set down the box.
"I brought donuts. A twisted maple log for Hop. A cinnamon sugar for Joyce. And luckily I packed a chocolate with sprinkles. For El."
They grab their donuts.
"So any particular reason you're here?" Hopper asks.
"Yeah actually I need to ask something." I say.
"Go right ahead" says Joyce.
"Well I um wanted to see if you know where Murray Bauman might be? I'd ask Nancy or Jonathan but they're all over the place and I haven't been able to get ahold of them."
"Murray? Why would you want to see Murray?" Hopper says with donut in his mouth.
"Hop don't talk with food in your mouth. I could take you to Murray's after work if you want." Joyce says.
"But why? Why does she need to see Murray?" Hops says slightly aggravated.
"It's none of our business Hop. She's a grown woman. She can do whatever she wants."
El and I look awkwardly at each other and laugh.
"Ok I'll see you at your guy's house later. I have to get back to work." I say.
I wave goodbye and go back to work. I get off work at five but there's three more hours until Joyce gets off work. I decide to go to their house anyways. I can see what Will and El are up to if they're home.

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