Chapter Twenty Seven: The Summer of '86

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It's the summer of '86. I decided to move into a house in Hawkins and stick close to the friends I made a few months ago. After the "fault lines" closed, Hawkins became a pretty famous place. I guess most of the publicly came from the hit TV show "The Untold Mysteries of Hawkins Indiana" directed by Murray Bauman. I guess that this guy was friends with Joyce and Hopper and was found with a couple commies in his bunker house, but didn't get arrested or anything so he made a documentary about all the crazy stuff that has happened in Hawkins. What's cool is that Jonathan has been getting the opportunity of filming the whole thing and Nancy has been interviewing people around Hawkins for it. Obviously they can't tell the full truth. That would put El and I in danger. But good news is, they managed to clear the name of the Hellfire Club. Speaking of the Hellfire Club, I am now a noble member of the new and improved Hellfire Club. We have weekly meetings at a cabin where Eleven used to stay. We actually have a meeting today that I should probably be getting ready for. I put on my Hellfire shirt and grab my bag. I'm halfway out the door when I remembered something. I forgot to say bye to Eddie. I go back into my room and look at the shrine on my wall. On a shelf is Eddie's sword, his diploma, the handcuffs from his room(no shame), and pictures of Eddie with his friends.
"I feel so stupid everytime I do this, but according to DnD your soul is trapped in that very sword that I'm looking at Eddie. If you're in there I want you to know that I love you. Bye"
I blow a kiss to the sword and head to the cabin.
"Hey sorry I'm late" I say as I enter the cabin.
"No problem. We wouldn't start without you" Dustin says with a grin.
Dustin sits at the head of the table taking over what used to be Eddie's place. Lucas and Erica sit on opposite sides of Dustin. Mike and Will sit next to Erica. Max sits next to Lucas and El sits next to her. Max and El don't actually play DnD. They just like to hang out with us while we do. They're usually listening to music or El reads a book to Max. I sit across the table from Dustin. We play for awhile when something Eleven says catches my attention. She's reading some book about a scientist on the hunt to find a way to bring people back to life.
"And then Dr. Alexander freed the souls of the dead to return to their human vessels. Like magic every each one of them awakened from their eternal slumber."
Even though it's been months since Eddie's been gone, I can't shake the feeling that I'm just waiting for him to come back. 
"Y/n. Earth to y/n" Dustin says waving in my face.
"Yeah I'm here. I spaced out sorry." I say.
We play for a couple more hours before we decide to stop for the day. The whole ride home I keep thinking about that book that El was reading. I know it was a sci-fi book that some guy made up, but honestly it doesn't sound so crazy bringing people back to life compared to what I saw a few months ago. I get home and go straight for my bed. I flop onto my sheets and my eyes are immediately drawn to Eddie's sword.

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