Interlude: Siiiick Duuude

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Joyce and Hopper arrive at Benny's Burgers. They get out of the van and go around to the back of it to open the doors.
"Ah, oh my god, there's a man!" exclaims Joyce.
Laying in the back of the van was Argyle. He was passed out. Hopper grabs a nearby stick and pokes Argyle with it. Argyle stirs, but doesn't awaken. Hopper shakes Argyle.
"Hey hey wake up! You need to get outta here" Hopper yells.
Argyle jumps awake, his eyes red and puffy from, well you know what.
"Heeeey man I'm just tryna catch a quick snooze what's the problem?" slurs Argyle.
Joyce looks at him with confusion.
"Aren't you that pizza delivery guy?"
"Yeah dude"
"Why are you in this van? We're in Hawkins Indiana not California."
"Well you know I kinda got dragged into this whole saving the world business. I just wanted to chill with Jonathan and some purple palm tree delight."
"Purple palm..well can you please do something other than just lay there. We need to get salt. And a lot of it."
"Oh is Eleven piggybacking again?"
"What? No. Y/n needs a sensory deprivation tub to see if their friend turned into a vampire. Just get out of the van."
"Ahh siiiick duuude."
Hopper, Joyce, and Argyle head into the abandoned Benny's Burgers to find salt.

Meanwhile at Robin's place:
Nancy and Robin sort through clothes to find the best outfit for y/n to wear. Robin clears her throat and says, "So who's that Jonathan guy?"
"Oh he's my boyfriend."
"Boyfriend. So that's why you were so persistent about not having a thing for Steve still."
"But you still like Steve too."
"No no I don't have a thing for Steve anymore."
"You sure? Because the way you dove in after him at lovers lake and just the general way you look at him says otherwise."
"I dove in after him because he's a friend and I don't look at him weird."
"Uh ya you do. Look if your into that three way relationship thing go right ahead I'm not gonna judge."
"What? No! I just- I don't know. Steve he, he wants all these kids and to travel and I don't want that, but Jonathan and I haven't really been the greatest couple. I mean we barely talked at all when he was in California and what ever happened to us going to Emerson together for college? It's like after he moved he just dropped our entire relationship."
"Have you ever thought that maybe Jonathan wants something different than you do Nance?"
"You said that you guys were planning to go to college together, but after that is when you guys drifted. Maybe he doesn't want to go to a big college like Emerson."
"But then why would he say that he did?"
"I'm guessing to try to keep you happy. It seems like, and don't take this the wrong way, but you are kind of only thinking about yourself Nancy. A relationship takes both people to think of themselves and their partner. It needs compromise."
"Oh my god you're right. I've been such a shithead. Thank you Robin. Seriously."
"Yeah no problem. We should probably get going."
"Yeah let's go."

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