Chapter Forty: Eddie My Love

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My leg is shaking on the way to the hospital. I can see Steve glancing at me every so often. I feel terrible for throwing him the other day. All he wanted to do was help and keep me safe. The tension got to be too much.
"I'm so sorry Steve" I blurt out.
Steve looks over at me with his brows furrowed. He looks back at the road.
"Sorry for what?" he asks.
"I didn't mean to hurt you. I was really caught up in the moment and I feel horrible for being such an ass and I-"
He cuts me off, "Hey it's okay. A little bruised butt cheek is all. I shouldn't have called you crazy in the first place."
I look at Steve with tears in my eyes.
"Really y/n it's okay" he reassures me.
I was about to say something when the hospital came into view. My heart skipped a beat. Steve parked and I hurriedly unbuckled and opened my door.
"Hey hey he's not going anywhere" Steve chuckled.
I jogged into the lobby and impatiently waited for Steve. He finally walked through the doors.
"C'mon Steve let's go" I said grabbing his arm and going to the elevator.
He pushed the two and I tapped my foot as we ascended. The door opened and I followed Steve close behind as he looked at the numbers on the doors. He stopped at door one hundred ten. Ironic. He gently knocked on the door and slowly opened it. I push past him. I meet Eddie's eyes. He's eating chocolate pudding with Dustin by his side reading a book to him. He puts the spoon down.
"You gonna come over and hug me or are you just gonna stare?" Eddie asks.
I dash over and put my arms around his neck and burrow my face into it. I feel him wrap his arms around me pulling my waist towards him. I sit on the bed and pull my face away from his neck. His hair is in a low messy bun with strands of long hair falling out of it. I wipe one of the strands away from his face and gaze into his big brown eyes. We stay like that for awhile. Just staring at each other. Admiring the faces that were missed.
Dustin broke the silence by saying, "Well I guess that Steve and I should leave you two to it."
He stands and walks towards the door with Steve. We wave and they leave the room.
"Finally some privacy" Eddie says as he grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss.
We pull away from the kiss and he leans his head on mine. I grab the book Dustin was reading and begin reading it aloud. I'm finally with Eddie. Eddie my love.

The camera zooms out from Eddie with his arm around you and his head on yours. You're reading Lord Of The Rings to him as the golden sun spills through the window from the sunset. Hawkins is finally at peace and you are too. The end!

This story was a month in the making and was so much fun to write. It was mostly a way for me to manifest my Stranger Things Theories into a story whilst also fulfilling my Eddie love story dreams. I hope that you liked it!

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