Chapter Thirty Four: Rock Climbing

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I stumble around on the rocky terrain trying to find any sign of Eddie. I then see the giant cliff I was on at the end of the battle back in April. I stand where I had been before and look around. I then hear a grumble behind me. A turn around to a demodog prowling on me. I raise the sword. I'm then tackled to the ground from the side. Another demodog had found me. I try to back away but one of the dogs had grabbed my leg. I swung the sword at the dog going for my face. I sliced it's head off in one quite movement. I then maneuvered the sword against the neck of the dog on my leg and pushed it through it's flesh. The dog flopped to the ground. It's head rolled off the side of the cliff. I watched as it splattered into pieces on the ground far below. Then something glimmers in the light not far from the splattered head. I squint but I can't make out what it is. Then the pain hits me. My leg is torn to shreds. I take the bandana out of my hair and tie it around my knee to restrict the blood flow. I lift myself to my feet and look for a way down the cliff. I spot a slightly less sharp descent down the cliff and hobble over to it. It's still super steep although not as bad as the walls around it. I then remember the climbing gear I packed. I shake off my backpack and grab the rope and hook from it. I find a crack in the rock and wedge the hook into it. I toss the rope down. It's not quite long enough to reach the ground, but I should be able to slide down the rest of the way. I toss my bag back onto my shoulders and ease myself down the cliff side, careful not to put too much pressure on my wounded leg. I make it to the end of the rope and look down at how far I am from the ground. I seem to have underestimated the distance from above. I turn myself around with my back against the rock and brace myself. I let go of the rope. I begin sliding down the rough rock. My hands burning from the friction and sharp texture. I manage to make it to the bottom without tumbling too much.

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