Interlude: Where is She?

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Hopper goes to the donut shop to grab something for him Joyce. He looks for a familiar face but doesn't find it.
"Hey where's y/n?" he asks Steve behind the counter.
"Uh she didn't show today so I'm covering her shift."
"Didn't show? Did she call in?" Hopper asks.
"Not that I know of" says Steve.
Hopper grabs his bag of donuts and storms out of the shop. He walks briskly back to the police station and into his office.
"Y/n isn't at work. And she didn't call in" he says.
"Well I'm sure she just slept in. It was pretty late by the time we got to Murray's and I have no idea what time she must've gotten home" Joyce replies.
"I told you that it was a bad idea to leave her there Joyce" Hopper says aggravated. "We need to go see if she's home."
"Hop we can't just leave."
"I'm chief of police I can leave whenever I want."
They get in Hopper's police van and go to y/n's house. Steve spots Hopper's van speed away. Once there they see her car parked in front of her house haphazardly. They get out of the van and go up to the front door. Hopper knocks, but there's no answer.
"Y/n! Y/n answer the god-damned door!" he yells.
Joyce glares at him and twists the door knob. It opens. They look at each other before walking into a seemingly empty house. They slowly walk towards her bedroom door. As they inch closer they can hear squelching and squishing. Hopper cautiously opens the door. They stand in amazement and surprise at the sight in front of them.

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