Interlude: She's Grieving

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"Fuck!" Hopper yells at the sight of yet another gate into the upside down.
"I hate to admit it Hop, but I think you were right about her going to see Murray. He obviously told her something that made her do this. But why? Why would she open a gate?" Joyce says.
"I don't know but we need to find her and get her out of there before anything happens."
"There's no way we're going to be able to find her on our own. We need to pinpoint why she went there in the first place. Until then we should board this place up. Just in case something gets through" says Joyce.
"Yeah okay" replies Hopper.
They hurry to get supplies to board up the room. They soon return with boards and metal bars. They close off the room completely. The window and the door are covered in wood and metal.
"Alright now time to find out why the hell she opened a gate" Hopper says.
They get back into the police van and head to Murray's. Once there Hopper barges up to the door.
"Murray you better open  this door!" Hopper yells as he's banging on the door.
"Calm down Jim I'm coming" Murray says through the speaker.
The door creaks open to Murray dressed and ready to go. Hopper and Joyce stare at him.
"Well are you just gonna stand there or are we gonna go find y/n?" Murray says.
"He did tell her something! I was right!" Hopper exclaims.
"Yes Hop you were right now let's go" Joyce says ushering them towards the van. When they get back to y/n's house they see a car parked in front. They walk into the house and find Steve, Robin, and Dustin standing in front of the barricaded bedroom door.
"You guys know what this is all about?" Steve asks.
"She opened a gate" Joyce replies.
"A gate!?" all but Joyce and Hopper say in disbelief.
"Yes we know. Now do any of you have any idea why she would do it?" Hopper says.
Murray tries to speak, but it interrupted by Dustin.
"Uh I don't know. She was acting kinda weird during the last Hellfire meeting."
"Yeah because she's grieving and has been since she found out her beloved passed away. None of you guys really paid any attention to that. She came here to find him, found out he was dead, fought to save the world with his undead self by her side, and then had to deal with his disappearance once again. Imagine how all of this feels to her." Murray states.
Everyone looked to the ground in silence.
"Well let's stop moping around and get to it" Murray pushes.
"Wait wait. We need a plan. Anytime we go into these things without a plan someone ends up dead or hurt." Hopper says.
"Yeah I can't take any more of that shit" Steve says rubbing his temples.

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