Chapter Eighteen: Back Into The Abyss

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We hear the sound of car doors shut. Eleven and I look at each other and nod. Let's do this. Let's finally find Eddie. Even if it means finding him as a vampire. Let's be honest this is not at all how I imagined my spring break going.
Everyone goes outside to help bring in salt bags. I undress to just my t-shirt and pants.
"I'm coming Eddie. I'll be there soon." I say looking at the faded print of Eddie shredding his guitar on my Corroded Coffin shirt. The bath is salted, the walkies are on full blast static, and I'm ready to go.
"Shoot did anyone think of what we're gonna use as a blindfold?" asks Will.
"I might have something" says Dustin and he jogs into the living room to grab something. He comes back into the bathroom with a square of fabric in his hands.
"This was Eddie's bandana. Pretty perfect to use it now I guess."
Eleven ties the bandana around my head.
"Find Eddie" she says.
"Yeah" I exhale and pull the bandana over my eyes. I lay in the tub and tune into the static of the walkie talkies. I open my eyes to the familiar abyss. I look around but there's nothing.
"I don't see anything" I say.
I try to think of Eddie, but nothing shows up. I sigh and wake myself from the trance. I sit up in the tub and uncover my eyes.
"He wasn't there" I say.
"Shit. We were wrong" says Mike.
"We need a new plan" says Nancy.
I get out of the tub and everyone clears the room. Robin hands me a pile of dry clothes. I drain the tub then dry myself off and change. I pick up Eddie's bandana from the floor and squeeze the water out into the sink. I stick the bandana in my back pocket and head into the living room. Everyone is sitting around on boxes or the floor.
"I wish we could just turn back time and then none of this would've ever happened" says Dustin.
Everyone nods in agreement. Nancy's eyes light up.
"What?" asks Steve.
"Time. Vecna showed me the grandfather clock. He was obsessed with the idea of controlling time. He could rewind and fast forward time."
"So maybe Eleven can too." states Jonathan.

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