Chapter Seven: Mike's a Bitch

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I follow the directions the guys gave me to the Wheeler's and come up to a house with a "Surfer Boy's Pizza" truck parked in the driveway.
"What is Surfer Boy's Pizza doing here? They're from California"
I pushed that thought aside figuring it was a whole lot less important than finding Eddie. I parked and walked up to the woman hurriedly packing her car.
"Oh! You startled me dear. Can I help you?"
"Yeah I'm looking for Mike Wheeler"
"Mike? He's my son. He's inside packing. He should be out in a minute."
"Okay thank you"
Mrs. Wheeler nods her head and continues packing her car. A teenage boy stumbles out of the house carrying boxes. I jog over to help.
"Hey let me hold the door for you"
"Uh who are you exactly?"
"I'm a friend of Eddie's. Some of your club mates told me that Lucas might be here?"
"Well he's not"
The boy pushes past me. A girl follows him holding more boxes. She drops a book and I help carry the box to Mrs. Wheeler's car.
"Thanks" she says.
"No problem"
She follows up by saying, "You're looking for Lucas?"
"He's at the hospital with Max." she states.
"Oh no is he okay?"
"Max is a girl. She is Lucas's girlfriend."
"I'm so sorry I guess I shouldn't have assumed."
"It's alright"
This girl looks familiar in a way but I just can't put my finger on it.
"Can I have Max's last name, I know it kinda sounds invasive but I might need her room number if Lucas is in there"
"Mayfield. Max Mayfield"
"Thank you so much. This means a lot."
She was a whole lot nicer than that Mike guy. And now I guess I have to go to the hospital. A trip around Hawkins. Hopefully for the last time.

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