Chapter Twenty One: Into The Upside Down

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Nancy grabs a rope from her backpack and throws it up into a gaping hole in the ceiling. It's goopy. It's disgusting.
"Is that how the entire upside down is?" I ask pointing to the gate.
"Yup" says Steve.
"I'll go in first and catch you guys coming down...up...whatever it is." says Hopper.
He climbs the suspended rope through the gate. Once most of his body was through he flipped and landed on the ground. He looked around.
"Alright come on up-down."
They motion for me to climb the rope. I take a deep breath and climb the rope. The feeling of gravity being flipped is the weirdest thing ever. I lost my grip and fell into Hopper's arms.
"I gotcha kid."
"Thanks" I say and straighten myself out.
Next is Nancy. Then Jonathan. And last, Steve. I look around. It's dark and there are veiny vines all over everything. I catch a glimpse of something on a wall down the hallway. It's handcuffs. On Eddie's bedroom wall.
"That kinky son of a bitch." I say with a giggle.
I notice something on the mirror in his room. It's a polaroid picture of Eddie and I. He had taken me to a spot in the woods and set up a picnic. That was the last time I saw him.
"Y/n?" calls Steve.
I walk back to where the group was.
"Are you okay? Your eyes are watering." says Robin.
"Yeah I'm good."
They all flip the face guards on their helmets shut and wield their weapons of choice. Hopper lights a couple flares and gives me one.
"You sure you can get there by yourself?" asks Robin.
"Yeah I can do it" I reply.
Hopper leads us out of the trailer and into the hell scape that is called the upside down. The screech of bats and thunder echoes through the dense spore filled air. Then I see something not too far from where we're standing. Eddie's guitar. It's stuck in the ground in front of a pile of dirt. Steve touches my arm and I look at him.
"He would've loved his guitar as his headstone." I say.
"Yeah Dustin thought so too."
I look at the sky. There are billowing red clouds circling something in the distance.
"You'll need to go there" Nancy says pointing to the clouds. I nod and part from the group. With my flare in hand I make the trek to the ominous clouds.

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