Chapter Ten: The Abyss

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I open my eyes to nothing but darkness. I'm in a chair. The floor is wet.
"Am I dead?"
I hear footsteps approaching from behind me. I stand up and look but there's nothing. Then I see the faint outline of a person. As they get closer I recognize them. It's the girl from the Wheeler's house.
"Hey where are we?"
She pauses. She looks confused.
"You can see me?" she asks.
"Um yeah?"
"And you can hear me?"
"That too."
She walks closer.
"It doesn't make any sense. You aren't supposed to see or hear me...who are you?"
"I don't understand is this not the point? Am I not dead?"
She grabs my wrist and shoves my sleeves out of the way. She uncovers my tattoo. She looks into my eyes and pushes up her sleeve to reveal a tattoo almost exactly the same as mine, but backwards.
"Eleven?" I whisper.
"One hundred and ten?"
"What is this?"
"I tried to access your mind because you seemed special and I didn't know why. Usually people can't see or hear me. People also usually don't have numbers tattooed on their wrists. Where'd you get it?"
"Idk. I've had it for as long as I can remember. It was a tag. To tell us apart."
"All the kids. I was kept in a place that would experiment on children. To train them. These kids all had powers I guess."
"I don't remember you."
"Why would you?"
"Papa never got into the triple digits."
We were both confused.
"Where did you come from one hundred and ten? Where was the place you were experimented on?"
"Marysville, Iowa."
"There's another lab?"
"Where are you from eleven?"
"I'm from here. I'm from Hawkins Lab."
Then realization struck. She was the "Russian" girl from three years ago.
*faintly echoing through the darkness*
"Hey are you okay?" asked Dustin.
"I'm gonna go get some water and something to clean her nose up with."
"Okay. C'mon wake up."
Slowly everything fades into the dark. I close my eyes. I open my eyes to the sensation of being shaken.
"Hey there you are. Are you okay?"
I numbly reply, "Yeah. By last person you mean Eddie died didn't you?"
He looks down and nods his head. I feel like I should be crying, but the tears won't fall. A couple minutes ago by before I also him,
"Do you know the girl who was with Mike? She has a tattoo like this, but it's zero-one-one. Eleven."
I told my sleeve to show him my tattoo. A look of shock overcomes his face. Then confusion.
"Yeah I know Eleven. Are you like her?"
"I guess you could say that. Is her name actually Eleven?"
"Yeah is yours one hundred ten?"
"No I'm y/n" I chuckled.
"Well hello y/n. Did Eddie ever know about you having powers? I feel like he would've mentioned something when we told him about El."
"I never told anyone. Not even Eddie. I wanted to keep him safe."
"He was a hero y'know. This town hates him, but he still took the risk."
"He would always run away from things unless it meant he was doing something for the people he loved." I said on the verge of tears.
"Well he didn't run away this time."
We're both crying. We stand up and hug each other while we sob into each other's shoulders.

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