Chapter Thirty Two: The Body

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I explain to Murray how the events of Hawkins and the upside down strongly resemble that of a DnD game and how Eddie essentially became Kas the Bloody Handed form the game.
"And get this, as the game goes, the soul of Kas is trapped in the sword he used to defeat Vecna. I found Eddie's soul in that sword. There's this weird dark abyss place I can go in my mind that connects with other people and I found Eddie."
"Hm. That's a new one. But I guess that a "soul" per say fixates on any physical form that it can if it doesn't completely dissipate. So I get that you have his soul, but if you want to bring him back you're gonna need a body." says Murray.
"Yes that's exactly why I'm here. Is there a body? I mean the game just says that his soul gets trapped in the sword. It says nothing about a body" I reply.
"If course there's a body somewhere. Matter can't be created or destroyed. So unless there was some big explosion that disintegrated the body, it's still somewhere in the upside down. But of course I guess that body would be vampire Eddie and not the normal Eddie you want back."
I take another drink and think for a second. There wasn't an explosion or anything. It was just upside down Hawkins disappearing. Then something came to mind. Everything was a hive mind. If one thing got hurt the others felt it. When Vecna died so did all of his creations. And when time was turned back it all went away. But Eddie wasn't Vecna's creation. Only the vampire part was. So theoretically Eddie's normal body is still in the upside down. I jump up and grab my things.
"Thank you so much Murray! I have to go." I say.
"O-okay? I don't really see how I helped. I just told you what you already know." he announces as I sprint for my car.

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