Chapter Thirty Nine: Pain All Over

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I slowly arrive at the Creel house on the brink of passing out from exhaustion. I couldn't hold Vecna in the air so I ended up dragging him along. I reach the clock and hold my hand out. It feels like my arm is made of concrete.
"Y/n what the hell have you done?"
I turn my head to see the blurry outline of Hopper.
"I need to fix this" I slur.
"Are you sure you can?" he asks.
I nod my head.
"Okay kiddo Joyce and I will be right on the other side of that gate. As soon as you turn that back you get your ass through there. Alright?"
I nod again and he retreats through the gate. I turn my attention back to the clock and push to turn it back. My whole body tingles as the air around me swishes around. I feel Vecna dissipate from my grasp. I open my eyes and look around. Back to the red cliffs with no Vecna in sight. I turn my head back but my vision goes dark and my ears start to ring. I feel myself fall and land in someone's arms. 

I'm back on my knees next to Eddie's body. He's speaking to Dustin as tears fall from his eyes and blood sputters from his mouth. I feel myself begin crying and cover my mouth. I'm sobbing hysterically. So much so that I can't catch a breath. I gasp and it's all gone. I flutter open my eyes to see a flower light fixture above me on the ceiling. I look around. I'm in El's bedroom. I push myself up. My entire body feels weak. My head spins for a moment before a pounding headache sets in. I stand and gain my balance. I twist the door knob and open the door. I run into someone's chest. I look up to see Steve's face inches from mine. We both pause for a second before stepping back from each other.
"Oh sorry I was just coming in to check on you y/n" he says quickly looking away.
"Can I get a Tylenol or something?" I mumble.
"Yeah yeah let me go grab it and a glass of water. Go ahead and sit down." Steve says as he swiftly turns to go into the kitchen.
I walk out into the living room and see Hopper, Joyce, El, and Will sitting spread across the sofa and chairs. Will gets up from his seat and moves to sit on the couch with Joyce and Hopper. I take the seat. I rub my face with my hands and look up to them all staring at me. They look away. Steve hands me a glass of water and two pills. I put the pills in my mouth and throw back a gulp of water. I set the glass down on the coffee table. I lean back in the chair. Everyone is quiet and fidgeting.
"How long was I out?" I ask.
"One day three hours and twelve minutes" El speaks up.
"Why so specific?" I ask.
"If you went over forty eight hours we would've had to bring you to a hospital" Hopper explains.
I nod my head when I remember.
"Where's Eddie?" I ask urgently sitting forward in the chair.
"We took him to the hospital yesterday. Dustin's with him right now" Steve says.
I stand up and head towards the door.
"Where do you think you're going?" Hopper asks.
"To the hospital" I say as I grab the first pair of keys I set me eyes on.
"No way you're driving y/n" Steve says as he takes the keys from my hand. He opens the door and we go to his car.

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