Chapter Twenty Four: At Least I saw Him Again

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I slide down the wall in an exhausted heap. I take a shakey inhale and breath the best sigh of relief I've ever felt. My neck hurts. It could be from the crushing force of hands previously around my neck or perhaps the two puncture wounds that are profusely bleeding out. Either way I don't try to fix it. Another chime sounds in the distance. That makes three. Only one more left. Eleven's got this. She's strong. I tried my best and I failed. But hey I got to see Eddie again. I can die knowing I saw him at least one last time. I close my eyes.
No sooner than I close my eyes I hear people approaching the front doorway. I look over and through a blur see someone run into the house.
"Here! Here! She's here!" yells Jonathan.
They run over to me. Hopper takes off his helmet.
"Hey kiddo what happened?"
"I saw Eddie" I whisper.
Nancy and Jonathan are standing together by the door holding each other with their helmets in hand. Robin is pacing with her visor up but helmet still on.
"Oh my god, oh--my--god, oh my god.."
Steve sits in front of me with Hopper nd takes his helmet off too.
"Holy shit did Eddie do this?" Steve says pointing to my arm.
I didn't even realize how mangled my arm was until Steve pointed it out.
"No that was the bats" I mumbled.
"That was from Eddie." Hopper says pointing to my neck.
Steve rummages through his backpack and pulls out gauze and medical tape.
"Do we have anything to clean the wounds with?" he asks.
"We have Vodka" pipes in Robin, "The molotovs. Vodka molotovs."
Robin brings over her backpack and takes out multiple bottles of vodka with rags stuffed in the tops. Steve grabs one.
"This is gonna hurt."
He pours vodka onto my arm and I grimace. He then wraps my arm in gauze.
"Okay now your neck."
Even though the wounds on my neck are considerably smaller than  the ones on my arm they hurt a thousand times worse. Steve presses a square of gauze to my neck and tapes it down.
"There you go. All done."
A crashing sound echos through the house from somewhere upstairs. We all look at each other in confusion. Then debris began to fall. Hopper picks me up and everyone runs outside.

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