Chapter Thirty Six: I'm Not Giving Up

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I gathered myself and started retreating back to the normal world when a thought struck me. El turned back time in the upside down to get rid of Vecna. So technically I'm in the past. I could fast forward time to right after Eddie died and transfer his soul back to his body. I'd help him out of here and into the safety of someone's arms on the other side. But who can I trust to not call me crazy and try to convince me not to do this? Dustin. Dustin was right there when Eddie died. He'd be ecstatic to bring him back. I go back to the gate and walk through into my room. It's pitch black in here. I feel around the walls until I find my light switch. I look at my window and see that it has boards of wood over it. I turn to my bedroom door and try to open it. It won't budge.
"What the fuck?"
I pull the walkie out of my bag and turn it on.
"Hello? Anyone there?" I say.
I sit in the sound of static for awhile. Just as I'm about to turn my walkie off I hear a voice loud and clear.
"Hello? Y/n is this you? Where are you we're worried sick!" Dustin enthusiastically speaks through the walkie.
"Hey I'm in my bedroom what's going on out there? Why am I boarded in?"
"Oh my god you're alive" Dustin said with a sigh of relief, "I guess I should ask you what's going on in there."
"What do you mean?"
"Uh you opened a gate duh."
"Dustin I'm getting Eddie back. I need your help" I say hopefully.
Dustin sighs into the walkie
"I'm coming in alright. I just have to take the barricades off your door real quick."
I hear someone walk up to the door. I jump to the sound of something banging on the wood. Eventually the last board was pryed off and Dustin opens my door. He immediately looks at the gate.
"Y/n this isn't safe" he says concerned.
"But I'm getting Eddie back. Don't you want that?" I ask.
"Yes of course I want him back but sometimes... sometimes it's better to leave things alone."
He sits next to me on my bed. I stare at my hands fidgeting with my sleeves. He puts his arm around me.
"It's okay to let go. He would want you to let go."
I shake my head and say, "No no he wants to come back too. I talked to him Dustin. In the sword. His soul?"
I sound so desperate.
"The sword?" he asks.
"Yeah Kas's soul gets trapped in his sword when he defeats Vecna" I look at the sword on the floor, "Eddie's soul is trapped in that sword and I can bring him back."
Dustin looks into my eyes. The look of concern replaced by curiosity.
"W-how?" he stammers.
"I just have to fast forward time in the upside down to right after Eddie died and work my magic. Then voila he's back!" I say smiling.
"Y/n Eddie died from blood loss. He was very badly injured. Even if you return his soul to his body he's still going to be dead."
I thought for a moment.
"Didn't El revive Max?" I ask.
"Yeeeah she did. Could revive Eddie?" Dustin said.
He's starting to accept my plan.
"Yes I can and then I'll make sure he gets through that gate and you can tend to his wounds. We're bringing Eddie back baby!"

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