Chapter Seventeen: Advice

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"Y/n come" says Eleven.
She stands up and motions to the bathroom. I follow her. She begins to run the bath.
"Have you ever done this before?" she asks.
"Uh no. The only time I've been in the abyss of darkness was when you saw me earlier today."
She nods her head. "Okay so, you'll be blindfolded and floating in this tub. We'll have static from the walkies on."
"What's the static for?" I ask.
"White noise. It'll help you tune into your mind and his. If we're right you should be able to get into his mind and see where he is and what he's doing."
"Cool cool okay." I reply.

Meanwhile in the living room:
Jonathan: "So uh what you been up to Steve?"
Steve: "You know not much. Just sacrificing my life, trying to save the world, and watching your girlfriend go ape shit on Vecna with a shotgun that she cut the barrel off of."
Jonathan: "Yeah she's pretty good with guns surprisingly."
Steve: "Why surprisingly? You think she's not capable of handling stuff like that?"
Jonathan: "What no no, I just thought that when you think of Nancy Wheeler you don't necessarily think she'd have any experience with guns."
Steve: "Mmh"
Dustin: "You two wanna take your love triangle somewhere else? It's tiring listening to you bicker over a girl that doesn't even know who she wants."
Steve gets up and goes into the kitchen. Jonathan follows a few seconds later.
Jonathan: "Look I know you still have a thing for Nancy and Dustin's right she keeps going back and forth between the both of us like it's some kind of twisted teeter-totter."
Steve: "I know right. It's like one minute she hates my guts and the next she's keeping them in place with gauze wrap and staring a lot longer than I would if I just saw a guy get torn into by interdimensional bats."
Jonathan: "Yeah she's like that I guess."
Steve: "I think that you guys are better for each other than her and I are if I'm honest. I tried explaining to her my dream life and she just seemed surprised by it. It's not what she wants."
Jonathan: "Really? Because I thought that you were exactly what she wanted. A good looking, well liked guy that could give her everything she ever wanted. I've felt like a pretty shitty boyfriend lately. I guess I kinda lost myself after moving to California. We didn't talk as much as we should've and it was all my fault."
Steve: "It's okay man. I can tell that she still really likes you. You're smart and caring and a little creepy honestly, but that's not the point. The point is, you and Nance are meant for each other. And sure ya you've been a shitty boyfriend, but you just need to show her that you still care and you always have."
Jonathan: "You really think so?"
Steve: "Yeah it just takes some time."

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