Chapter Twenty: Prepare

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Eddie and I used to test drive motorcycles at this place just outside of Hawkins. Normally the owner, Carl, wouldn't allow people to ride the bikes, but Eddie had special connections. Eddie would drive us out to lovers lake and we would sit on the dock and talk for hours until sunset. That's where we had our first kiss. Anyways this place has a lot of motorcycle gear that could come in handy. I direct Jonathan to the store. It's night so we need to break in. Sorry Carl. The gang picked out their assortment of gear. Helmets, jackets, boots, and gloves. Once everyone had what they wanted we were headed to the police station.
"So what do you guys plan to do about the vines?" I ask.
"Everything there hates fire, so if we carry torches or flares we should be able to clear the way underneath our feet. The station has flares." says Hopper.
We arrive at the police station and I stay in the van as the others grab the rest of their supplies. I haven't really had time to myself today so this is nice. And then it hits me. If Eddie died in the upside down and the upside down is rewinded wouldn't he come back to life? I don't know maybe it's far fetched, but that little glimmer of hope is what keeps me going. And even if Eddie doesn't come back I'll make him proud. I'll be a hero. Robin comes back to the van. She's got a bullet proof vest on with a leather jacket from the bike shop. The jacket has tassels on the sides and under the arms. She sits next to me.
"So you and Eddie used to be a thing?" she asks.
"Yeah like three years ago. Even when I moved and we broke up we still talked everyday on the phone."
"You know I can't really explain it but it makes sense that he would like you."
"You think?"
She chuckled "Yeah."
Jonathan hopped back into the front seat. Nancy followed in the passengers and Steve and Hopper got in the back with Robin and I. We were headed to Eddie's trailer to use the gate that was opened there. The ride was silent. Once there everyone got out of the van and suited up. I am the only one here without any form of protection. All I have is my powers.
"Ready?" Jonathan asks me.
"Yeah I'm ready. Let's get rid of this asshole."

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