Chapter Sixteen: The Plan

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We explain to the group that we need to use the sensory deprivation method that Eleven has used before, to see if Eddie is alive, well not really alive more like an undead vampire, same thing. Eleven knows how to do it, but she never met Eddie and nobody has a picture of him at the moment so I need to do it. This might not work but at this point anything is worth a shot.
"How are we supposed to get that much salt?" Joyce asks.
Just then a phone rings from the wall. Jonathan answers and says it's Lucas. Will takes the phone from him.
"Hey Lucas it's Will. How's Max?"
"She's still not awake. I was just calling to see how things are there."
"Um well I don't know if you noticed but uh it seems like the upside down is coming into our world. But luckily for us we have another Eleven to help us and we think we have a pretty good lead on how we can defeat Vecna."
"Woah woah wait, another Eleven?"
"Yeah her name is y/n and she has powers like Eleven. You've met her. She was at the hospital earlier asking about Eddie."
"That girl? She has powers?"
"Yeah I know pretty crazy right. Anyways we're just trying to find out how to get some salt so she can see if Eddie's an undead vampire in the upside down."
"It's a long story I'll tell you about it when I see you again."
"Oh uh okay. You said you needed salt? That old place Benny's Burgers might have some. They've been shut down for a few years, but that's where that dickhead Jason used to drink with the team after games."
"Really? Wow thanks Lucas! You have no idea how much this helps us right now"
"Um okay bye I hope your plan works out"
"Yeah I do too. Bye" Will turns to us. "Benny's Burgers. That's where we get salt."
"I'll go get it." says Hopper.
"I'm coming with." says Joyce. "I'm not letting you out of my sight again."
"You guys need a car?" asks Jonathan and tosses the keys to Hopper.
They head out to the Surfer Boy's Pizza van.
"Does anyone have a change of clothes? I'm gonna be in a bathtub full of saltwater after all. It'd be nice to save the world in dry clothes." I say.
"Um I have some comfy clothes at home that I could go get." says Robin.
"I'll go with. We shouldn't be on our own right now." says Nancy.
"Aw c'mon Nance. Don't you have some clothes in your backpack?" asks Steve.
"No? They're all packed in my mom's car. We'll be right back it's no big deal."
"I'm always the god-damned babysitter." says Steve handing Nancy the keys to his car.
"Hey I'm still here Harrington." states Jonathan.
Steve let's out a sigh. "What else do we have to do?" he asks.
"Not much else to do but wait." says Dustin.

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