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Igor's POV / 0826 hours / Island in the Pacific

Archangel: Make your bullets count comrades! We are not even nearing their end!

Our squad leader told everyone. I was trying my best to help my brothers-in-arms if they got wounded.

Archangel: Shadow! Are you still alive!?

Shadow(R): I am sir. I'm just trying to take down the bigger and harder units for you.

Archangel: Copy, over!

He went back to shooting the enemy, I was also trying to get a shot with my SKS. Until I heard a scream.

Archangel: GAH! I've been hit!

Igor: Coming!

I dashed towards his position and saw that he was shot in the right side of his chest. I pulled out some rag and morphine.

Igor: Listen here, I shall put this over your wound and you will inject the morphine so you can go back to fighting. Keep pressure on the wound too.

Archangel: You're awfully calm about this...

Igor: I've seen worse. I need cover here!

I yelled at my comrades for cover so I can continue with fewer bullets in the air to worry about. 

Igor: You're good to go!

Archangel: Thanks!

We both got our weapons and started to shoot at the enemies. I've shot a full of 12 more rounds before realizing I've burned through my ammo.

Igor: I'm out!

Cossack: Where is your AKS?!

I looked around to see it in my old position.

Igor: Shit. Cover me!

I then ran towards it with all of my speed to not get shot and grabbed my AKS. I still had ammo for that gun. We tried to hold them all off, but we were going to get overrun sooner or later. And I was almost out of ammo again.

Igor: Fuck it.

I got out of my cover and ran toward the enemy managing to push some back.

Archangel: Are you crazy Doc?! You'll get yourself killed! Get back here!

Igor: No can do Archangel! It's either that or we all die!

Archangel: What are you saying!? I've already lost a good amount of soldiers! I don't want that number to go higher!

Igor: Do not worry! I'm nothing to mourn! 

Archangel: DOC! NO!

I then purposely went to get cover behind gasoline barrels and shot at the enemies. 

Igor: Over here you wee cunts! I'm more important than them! Come on!

I tried to distract them and shot at them, killing some too. But I was shot in the shoulder and forearm. I lay down on a barrel waiting for someone to peek a corner waiting with my Makarov pistol. And someone unlucky was shot in between the eyes. I was waiting for another one, but no one came, I heard some gunshots and the bullets hitting the barrels. I knew what was going to happen. I prepared a molotov cocktail, got up, and threw it at enemies before going with the flames. I heard someone saying "You sons of bitches, I'll get you for this!", probably Archangel.

Igor: So this is it, huh? Nothing to worry about.

I said as I lay on a floor in some kind of void. I closed my eyes hoping for this to end, until...

???: Get your ass up soldier. Duty calls again.

Igor: The fuck.

I said as I opened my eyes to see a man holding his arm out for me so I can get up. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

Roki: I am Roki, you are Igor, right?

Igor: Yes...?

Roki: Okay, listen. You've got two choices: you either die or you can live another life in a different universe.

Igor: Do I get to rest in the universe.

Roki: Kind of. You just need to do some small things for it to be turned for the better.

Igor: I don't get it but sure. 

Roki: Once you choose one of the options, there is no returning back.

Igor: I will go with the second one.

Roki: You sure?

Igor: Yeah.

Roki: Okay, let me explain this universe to you. So basically *inhale* in this world, there are people with animal traits, like ears, tails, wings, and so on. They are all humans, but not really, they nekos as a web would say. But anyway, they live in a world called Terra, they have a good amount of factions, and their timeline is basically the late 19th century in our world, but modernized. They don't have fuel, gunpowder, or any other resource for energy. They use something called originium. It's a crystal capable of many things like magic and infection: oripathy, and then...

30 minutes later... / No one's POV

Roki: And that is all. What do you think, eh?

Igor: ...what.

Roki: Good. Listen, since the world is a nightmare to survive I can give you 1 wish you can get to survive this.

Igor: Alright then, I wish for an exo-suit/skeleton or however is called.

Roki: Alright, you'll get it when you get to that world. Oh and also, you are immune to oripathy, the cure for it is for you to find it.

Igor: Well I'll be damned. Thanks for that. When do I get to the world?

Roki: Now.

Igor: What?

Igor disappeared from thin air and went to the Arknights universe, probably.

Roki: The fun is about to begin.

He said with a smirk on his face.

To be continued...

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