Chapter 28: "Glory"

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[ No one's POV / 10:27 AM / Kazimierz Major arena]

Win after win, Igor made a reputation for himself, he earned some nicknames from the spectators like "Biely", "Niezwyciężony" or "Tin soldier" for the way he fights and the amount of energy he has

Right now he was facing Tytus Topola he seemed to keep a distance away from Igor. His arts are good, but not good enough.

Igor used his own arts too, which was throwing sharp rocks at Topola to distract him. It worked well, so charged at Topola to try and push him down to the ground. It did not go well and Topola made him kiss the dirt.

By now Igor was tired but determined to win when Topola was about to knock him out he got out of the way and got up in a fighting stance.

Igor: That all you got?

Without a second thought, Topola charged at him enraged because he just won't give up. Igor shoved him back and grabbed him by the collar of his armor and started hitting Topola in the helmet. 

Topola couldn't do anything he was confused, disoriented, and dizzy. 

Igor: This ends here!

And Igor gave him his last punch, Topola still stood tall behind Igor. But instead of fighting, he fell onto his ass.

Igor: You alive?

Topola only raised a thumbs up before going to sleep. Igor went to his quarters and left the armor there before chugging some 1l of coffee for energy.

Igor: I see now why the Germans issued meth to their soldiers.

*knock, knock, knock*

Igor: Who is it now? Coming!

He went to open the door expecting Roki or some staff, instead, he was met with-

Igor: Maria, right?

Blemishine: Yes that is me! May I come in?

Igor: You may.

He held the door opened for her and she entered his quarters.

Igor: It may be a bit messy. Would you like to drink something or take a snack?

Blemishine: Thank you, but no. I came here to meet my duo since the next match is 2v2.

Igor: Right. Come sit down near the coffee table, we'll discuss it there.

Igor: So what do you want to know about me?

Blemishine: Well, let us properly introduce ourselves first. Don't you think?

Igor: I have many aliases, Igor Golubov being my real name.

Blemishine: Maria Nearl, Kazimierz knight, you can call me Blemishine.

Igor: Nice to meet you.

They shook hands and watched the current match. While discussing what to do.

Blemishine: Can I ask you some questions if you don't mind?

Igor: I don't, go on. 

Blemishine: You fight really well out there, where did you learn to fight like that?

Igor: Well, I served in the military, a paramilitary unit, and brawled in my village. To be honest I don't even know how I have this much strength in me.

Blemishine: Why do you fight?

Igor: Some people want glory, and some want fame, money, and privileges. I don't want that, I test my boundaries to see how long I can take it. Now get ready, the fight is almost over.

He went to put on his armor while Blemishine went to the arena. Igor was mentally preparing for the fight.

Igor: You've made it this far, you can't lose now. You do other impossible things, this is nothing compared to that.

Igor put his helmet on and slowly went to the arena duel grounds. There was Viviana-

Igor: AWOOGA!-

[Take 2]

They took their fighting stances and waited for the match to start.

Igor: You take Viviana, I take the other one.

Blemishine: Got it.

And the horn was sounded. Igor charged at Szewczyk while he fire his crossbow at him, it scratched his armor. And when Igor was within spitting distance he started to throw punches at him. 

Igor: C'mon! Use your knife I'm using my fists to even things out!

And without wasting any second Szewczyk went to slice him with the knife, to which Igor dodged and punched him to the side.

Igor: Strong armor you got there.

Szewczyk: Strong will you got there. 

Igor: What-?

He was punched to the side of his head and rolled over a good 3 meters away and dazed. Szewczyk came to him, grabbed him by the neck, and started to throw him around like a ragdoll. 

Igor: That's enough.

Igor got ahold of Szewczyk and was on his back, covering his eyes and taunting him.

Igor: YEEHAW! C'mon boah! Let's go!

The weight of Igor on him knocked him down, Igor got off him and went a few meters away. Before running back and giving him an elbow from the top knocking the air out of him.

Szewczyk: I forfeit! 

Igor: That's what I thought.

Looking at the fight that was between Viviana and Blemishine, Viviana was using her arts while Blemishine was struggling to do anything.


He went monke mode and ran towards Viviana and shoved her with his shoulder. She managed to stay on her feet and try to compose herself. Igor went to help Blemishine.

Igor: You alright?

Blemishine: Yes. Thank you.

Igor: Alright, I'll take it from here.

He pulled his sabre out of his sheath and went to duel Viviana. Although she used her arts against him, he deflected them. So it was steel against steel.

Igor: I'm right here! Fight me like a real champion! Head on!

Viviana: *Scoffs* Fine!

They went at it. Her trying to pierce his armor with a rapier, and him deflecting it with the sabre.

Igor: You've already lost. Yield!

Viviana: Never!

She used her arts again and sent him flying away. Blemishine went to deal with her.

Igor: Damn it. I will feel that in the morning. 

Igor: Oh she's playing dirty. Well so will I.

He pulled out his Nagant revolver and shot at her rapier trying to slow her down.

Igor: Maria!

She looked at him.

Igor: Shield!

She got the idea and ducked down with the shield raised above her head. Igor ran with break-neck velocity and jumped on the shield, she pushed it to give him more momentum. With a raised fist he punched her in the jaw and knocked her out. The crowd erupted with mixed emotions.

Igor: We did it!

Blemishine: We sure did!

He extended his hand for a handshake but instead, Blemishine hugged him, a surprise for sure, but a welcome one, and he returned the hug. Before parting ways.

This will be an interesting tournament for him, surely nothing will go wrong.

[To be continued...]

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