Chapter 18: "The search begins"

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[Narrator's POV / 7:57 AM / Chernobog]

Igor rounded the group up for the search, and after one last look to see if everyone was present here he lead them to search for the C-Con. He also gave them gas masks and Geiger counters.

Igor: The masks are used to protect you from anything that is fatal in the air, the Geiger counters are used to read how much radiation is around you. Do not, under any circumstances, take off the masks. Now let's go.

And with that, they left the Duty base in the danger. While they were going through the city they encountered many other stalkers who were briefly questioned. Most of them were loners. But some wanted to fight them. Freedom for example. They despised Igor and Duty with passion. But since they were too high on drugs they couldn't do shit, so they were shot dead. They have to be more careful or they might die too.

Going deeper into the city, the Duty scout noticed something weird about the rain coming toward the group. It seemed to rust and melt the metal.

Scout: Sir. That's no ordinary rain...

Igor: Acid?

Scout: Right.

Igor: Get inside a house! Quickly now!

He yelled at the others, Texas seemed to find a suitable place but it was locked, so she tried to pick-lock it. But they didn't have enough time to do such things, so Igor pushed her out of the way before kicking the door open. He held it open for the others to get in and sealed it shut with some wooden planks.

Igor: We don't go anywhere until this rain is over. You can take off your gas masks, it's safe enough to breathe. Crackshot, start a fire or maybe two, will you?

Crackshot: Right away.

He went to get some flammable materials for the fire such as cotton, wood, or anything dry enough. Dutiers were in the room right next to the R.I. operators, Igor was standing in the middle watching over them. 

Croissant: Excuse me, sir?

A girl wanted to talk to Igor. He looked at her in the face waiting for her to talk.

Croissant: Why haven't you taken off your gas mask? You said it is safe to breathe.

Igor: Habit. And it's best the mask stays on.

Croissant: Why so? Are you hiding something?

Igor: Not all. Now bug off.

He said with annoyance, but Croissant kept pressuring him to take off the mask.

Igor: Will it make you shut up?

Croissant: Yes.


Croissant: Come on!

Igor: Fine.

He slowly took off his headgear revealing his face, along with his unique eyes, light stubble, short brown hair, and what else is there to say?

Igor: There. Happy now? Yes? Bug off.

He said to her, she got back to her senses after hearing him and went to her friends. Igor lit another cigarette, and just then the crack shot himself came into the room with the things he needed. Igor tossed his lighter to him to start the fire. He made one fire for the soldiers and the other for operators. Igor was smoking in silence, with no emotion on his face while looking into nothingness. 

[Igor's POV]

Women carry babies for 9 months, men carry them for a lifetime...and they get no credit for it. What the fuck am I thinking?

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