Chapter 11: "Duty calls"

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[Igor's POV / 16:41 / Somewhere in Terra]

We managed to get to Chernobog with no problems. Just that we need to find a place to make a base. We hid the truck under a building in a garage. As soon as we did it, we exited the truck and cleared the area. 

When we cleared everything around here we exited the building garage and see everything abandoned. It was eerie seeing once a city filled with people be this quiet. We went to a nearby square, originium rocks and crystals littered across the place. I look above in the distance to see something big.

Igor: Was there a mountain here before?

Roki: That is an originium rock.

Igor: Why is there a giant rock here?

Roki: A catastrophe happened. I forgot to inform you about that.

Igor: That rocc is fulla MAGIC!

Roki: Indeed.

We walk around the area to try and find someone, or something alive here. But nothing, and to think that this was once a city full of people, now it's a ghost town.

Igor: Roki, are there any sirens here?

Roki: There probably is. I don't know. Why?

Igor: I need it for something. Try and find a radio station.

We continued the search, and instead of something useful, we found mutants. Not the Zone mutants, something far better than that.

Igor: What the hell is that?

Roki: Originium slugs.

Igor: You call that a slug? Why are they clustered like that? Never mind, forget I asked.

I pull out my Krinkov and shot at those disgusting things. After dumping a whole mag, the ones who survived retreated somewhere safe. 

Igor: Guess we have to keep our guard up.

Roki: We? I'm out of here.

When I turned around to talk him to stay, he was nowhere to be seen.

Igor: Damn it.

I kept looking for the radio station. 


I found the station, but there were zombified stalkers blocking my way. There is no other way, I could free their soul from this life. Shot after shot, they fell down, now dead for sure. One started talking with a raspy voice when I was passing by him.

Zom. Stalker: A little bit left *gasp* To get home...*groan*

I look at the stalker's lifeless white eyes with pity. I ended his pain with a bullet to the head.

Igor: And they say that fighting monolith leaves people shaken... Hopefully, you find a way out of the Zone, stalker.

After that, I entered the station to see it still working. It may look damaged on the outside, but this works. I try to find an area where the sirens could be activated. After looking around the entire bottom floor, I found it. Taking off the mask I started to speak to the microphone.

Igor: People of Chernobog who are still here trying to survive; join Duty! A grand responsibility lies on our shoulders! Not only are there Reunion taking this abandoned city, the originium infected slugs, no. You will also find mutants; that suffered through radiation and are hard to take down anomalies; that is impossible to take care of, anarchists and bandits!

In another part of the city...

Siren: ...Chernobog is under the Zone! No one is safe from it! So join Duty! Every new member of Duty is supplied with excellent gear! More importantly: fighting mutants will bring you eternal glory, and carve your name in history! The world is trembling at the sight of the disease, starting from the Zone! If we do not protect the world from the Zone, who will?! Lethal anomalies...dangerous mutants...anarchists and bandits! Will not stop Duty on its triumphant march to save this world and its citizens! Join Duty and save the innocent.

The siren then went quiet. I look at the others.

Rosa: I guess you heard it too.

Zima: We did. Should we...join them?

Rosa: ...

With Igor...

Igor: I could use the hotel as the place where they should rest, the parking for some training grounds. I need to barricade the roads though.

I say to myself so I can remember what to do, and now I was getting to barricading. I used some old rusty metal roofs as a wall for the entire street, the cars that were left behind were there to give them support not to fall. And that took me an hour and a half. Well, time to get to back-breaking labor.


After finally building up these barricades I went to look for the truck where the weapons are. I found it, where we left it. Nobody touched anything, which was good. I enter the truck and lit a cigarette there, and while driving I found a small group of girls walking down the street. Wait a minute, I recognize some of them. I pull down the window and yell at them.

Igor: (Damn kids.) What are you doing here? It's not safe! You again?

 Sonya: Oh no...

I get out of the truck, not before pulling the window up and extinguishing the cigar. I went up to them.

Igor: I thought I told you to get out of here. It's not safe anymore.

???: This is our hometown sir!

Igor: I don't care if you came from the other side of the world to get here. You're getting out of here. What are you doing here?

???: We are trying to find someone who was talking about joining 'Duty'.

The tall white-haired one said.

Igor: You're talking to him.

???: Really?! Can we join-

Igor: Are you 18?

???: No, but-

Igor: Then no way, Jose. I'm not taking children to fight for me. You are getting out of here.

I say in an irritated tone. And then the shorter, white-haired one spoke.

???2: You've just started this faction. Correct? You do not seem to know this place very well, we've been living here. We can be of use to you.

Igor: Now this just sounds wrong. But you are correct about it. Fine. You may come with me. But, you will not go out fighting, you shall scout and help anybody that is injured or wounded in the base. Alright?

They all agreed. And they entered the truck, I started it.

Igor: You kids will be the death of me.

I stated before driving off back to base.

To be continued...

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