Chapter 47

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Riding on horseback to Kjerag, Igor recalled all the times, actions, mistakes, blood, and tears leading him to this place where he is. He regrets none of it, for it's not about the cross around his neck, nor the power he holds - for it is about the adventures and comrades he made along, that he sheds a tear.

But he can no longer think about those times since he can't relive them, it is in the past - never to be replayed or changed.
It was nearing night and he was entering the Kjerag mountains or at least its valley, the winds were cold so he made a fire to warm himself up. And when he lit it, Igor ripped two pieces of paper from his journal and wrote on them. 

Igor: I could leave this at the temple. Now time to sleep.

He covered himself with his second coat and dozed off.


While Igor was going to sleep Rhodes Island sent a small team of operators to try and track him down. 

Texas: Come on, he couldn't have gone too far!

Ambriel: You kidding me? That horse he has can travel from one side of Terra to the other within minutes.

Texas: ...

Ambriel: Okay maybe not that fast but you get the point. That horse ran from the center of Laterano to the outside of the faction in 10 minutes. For all we know he might be done with what he wanted to do.

The team was visibly discouraged by the statement looking up seeing it was nighttime, they called the tracking off for today and went back to base. 


Igor woke up and put out what was left of the fire. He put on his coat and winter accessories and mounted his horse ready to go.

Andrei: You don't really have to do this. You know?

Igor: I know, but I'll still do it.

Andrei: Good, that's what I like to hear.

The voice of Andrei went silent and Igor continued with his path. And that is when it was his time to part ways with his loyal horse. The route was too rocky and snowy for the horse. He got off the horse.

Igor: You go boy, find a new owner or be free. You've served me well, now go. Your duty is over.

The horse hesitantly ran away and Igor went over the rocky route through the snow. At the same time, he was chanting prayers in his head.

[Small timeskip]

Igor: There it is.

He saw the temple near Mt. Karlan so he climbed the cliffside to the entrance. He may not be a professional climber but he did some training in the army for this occasion. 


Exusiai: Do you mind telling us why he is very important?

Kal'tsit: Maybe you haven't seen him, but he can change the course of an operation. You may have known him for a few days, but he has something that can change the world...

Exusiai: There is no way that he can be that important.

Kal'tsit: Quit talking, get into your winter clothing people from Kjerag state that they have seen a man riding a black horse earlier today. We must hurry.

Exusiai: I'll tell the others!

[With Igor]

Igor: I know I like winter, but damn this cold weather. I can barely feel my fingers.

He reached the temple entrance and left one of the two letters, his journal, and a rose. Knocking loudly on the gates he quickly went to reach Mt. Karlan. A monk opened the gate and saw no one, only the things Igor had left behind. On the letter was written 'For the Karlan Saintess'. So he carried the three things to the saintess' room.

*knock* *knock*

Pramanix: You may enter.

The door creaked open and the monk gave her the things.

Monk: Someone left these at the entrance, it is meant for You. Although be cautious saintess.

Pramanix: I'll be fine, is that all?

Monk: Yes.

Pramanix: Then you can go.

The monk left the saintess to read the letter given to her, Kjera standing behind her and also reading.

"I don't know if you remember me, but I remember you. It is Igor, I wish I could see you and your friend Kjera again, but I'm simply short on time. I wanted to thank you, for opening my eyes to the fact that there is still hope for me and the people of these lands. You showed me that I'm not alone in this world, what I'm trying to say is that I know you have feelings for me, your body language says so. And you do not have to worry about your sister who is infected or your friends with the same condition anymore, I will do my best to save them.
Just so you know, this is my first and last letter to you. I've given you my journal so you can learn more about me to see why I am who I am. That is if you can decode it. And have this beautiful rose that I've found.

~Igor A. Golubov"

Pramanix: Oh dear...

[With Igor]

Igor: C'mon, almost there...!

The clouds were dark and it was windy as hell at the peak, thunders were heard above. He finally reached it, and a hole opened up in the clouds. Igor pulled out his cross and raised it in the sky.

Igor: Guide me, Andrei...

Andrei: Place the halo above your head.

Igor did as he was told and put the halo above his head.

Andrei: Cross yourself.

Igor crossed himself.

Andrei: Now, ask what you want.

Igor dropped to his knees.

A\N: I don't want to be accused of blasphemy.

Igor: Lord, You've helped me return to my path when I was lost, You were my only company when I was alone, and I am thankful for that. This may be selfish of me, but I ask You to stop punishing these people. It pains me to see this many people suffering, so instead may I go through their pain and suffering! Take me and ease them from their pain, I shall answer for their sins. Erase this infection and its source and help me find the evil-doers for you! I beg of You!

Lightning struck his cross and went through Igor's body and halo. He started to blackout and everything became blurry for him.

That one lightning strike echoed through Terra. Alerting the R.I. operators of his locations, but he wasn't worried anymore, for he had finished his mission, his halo evaporated into dust, carried by the chilling winds. No more fighting, no more bloodshed.

The last thing he saw before closing his eyes was an R.I. helicopter.

[A few months later]

Igor has been stuck in a coma for quite a while. Doctors and medics were trying their best to keep him alive.

Silence: His vital signs are barely readable. But they are recovering.

Kal'tsit: Is there a way to wake him up?

Silence: We tried everything. We shall wait until he wakes up on his own. 

Kal'tsit: Let's hope it will happen soon.

[Igor's mind]

Igor was standing in a white void wondering if he would ever wake up.

???: Mortal. Your fate is decided.

Igor: Where did Saint Peter send me to then?

Angel: No, your fight on this land is nowhere near the end. Punish all of the wrong-doers and you shall have three wishes from God. Your faith in Him is strong, He shall guide you. Now wake up, brave soldier, your duties shall be over soon.

Igor: I thank thee and I thank Him.

[To be continued...]

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