Welcome to the Magic Shop 💫💫

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Halo haloo! Si rusuh datang lagi, eh enggak deng wkwk aku ini anak yang paling kalem.
Tidak banyak yang ingin aku tulis, hanya beberapa. Yang sangat relate denganku :)

The first. Sometimes, you have to choose yourself. Sometimes, you have to choose your healing, no matter how hard you want to keep fighting, no matter how deeply you care. See, when your heart chooses someone who does not choose it back, when your tender soul fights for someone who will not fight for it, when you make the effort to show up for someone who does not care, or make the effort, to show up for you - you must walk away. You must give yourself the closure you so desperately seek. You must give yourself permission to move forward, to let go, to believe in the fact that you deserve to be loved by someone who will look at you and know that you are enough. Because if there is one thing life has taught me, it is that love, genuine love, should never make you feel like you are too much, it should never make you feel like a difficult person to care for. If there is one thing life has taught me, it is that love, worthwhile love, should never make you quiet your heartbeat, it should never be something you have to beg for. So please, if you still find yourself chasing after someone who is not chasing after you -stop running towards those dead ends and instead start running toward yourself. Lalu, yang kedua..

I'm really tired of the current situation, I feel like I want to go away for a whilethere are always thoughts of leaving situations like this, trying to be fine but can't, want to rest without any disturbance from anyone but don't want to feel lonely, and from the many losses, what I look for the most is myself, sorry to leave anyone:')

Magic Shop🦋 [ Tamat ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang