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(18)Y/N HARRINGTON: The popular girl in Hawkins that everybody loved starting her freshman year. She began her freshman year as a cheerleader. She quickly quit once she hit Junior year, still keeping her popularity. Y/N is a smart girl who tutors part time, mainly only helping her friends. During her sophomore year she started dating JASON.(before he dated Chrissy)The local jock. They were a cute couple who eventually broke up Junior year, still staying friends. Jason clearly still has a thing for her.

(18)MARIA: Y/Ns bestfriend of 6 years. Maria is a cheerleader, ever since freshman year. It really hurt her feelings knowing that Y/N left the cheer team. Maria is always there for Y/N. Maria isnt the kindest girl on the planet, but when it comes to Y/N she'll do anything for her. Lately, there friendships been going downhill ever since she started dating her boyfriend, ANDY. A stuck up bitch who for some reason despises Y/N. Y/N and Maria haven't been getting along and Y/N hopes for the best that it gets better.

(17)AMY: Amy is Y/Ns old best friend that passed away due to a tragic car accident.
Y/N is having a hard time coping with her death.


1st period-english
2nd period- math
3rd period- science
4th period- PE
5th period-lunch
6th period- Music
7th period- free period

I do not own stranger things and its characters. The only characters I own, are the ones I made.

Author note :)
i hope that ppl read this cause im probably gonna spend a lot of time making it cause i have nothing else to do with my life

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