Getting Closer

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"Chrissy!" I yelled from her bathroom. Today is Eddie and Is second date, over at the skating rink nearby, and I desperately need someone's opinion. A girls opinion this time.

"Yeah?" I heard her soft voice yell from downstairs.

"Come here! I need help."

"Coming!" I heard her quick footsteps rush upstairs and into the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door and peeked inside, "what is it?"

"I'm going on a date, do I look okay?"

Chrissy fully walked in now and shut the door behind her, admiring me. She looked me up and down slowly, looking at what I was wearing. I'm wearing a baggy shirt and sweatpants, since Eddie said that I don't need to dress nice. Also, we're going to a skating rink, so I figure I dont have to look my best.

"Depends, where are you going for your date?"

"The skating rink."

"Oh, then you look great."

"Thank you." Chrissy opened the door and walked back downstairs as I continued to fix my hair and make-up. I'm a little bit nervous, like I said before, I'm not the best at skating. Im praying Eddie won't mind or make fun of me for it. Hell, he most likely will make fun of me, thats just how he is.

Once I finished getting ready, I made my way downstairs and into the living room, where Steve was sitting on the couch watching some romantic comedy show.

"Hey Steve, I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back around 11 or so." I looked over at him, who seemed to be half asleep sitting on the couch.

"Mkay, stay safe, I love you." He said, rubbing his eyes and looking at me, giving me a tired smile. "And have fun," he winked at me.

"Steve, oh my god, ew." Steve laughed at me as I walked out the front door, greeted by Eddies torn up van. Eddie jumped out of the car and made his way over to me. He's wearing his normal attire, a baggy Dio shirt and black sweatpants. Although, his hair looks a bit messy.

"Helloo." He said in a sing- songy voice, putting his arm over my shoulder and kissing my forehead.

"You're in a good mood?" I said, confused. Normally, Eddie would sit in the car and wait for me to get in.

"Well, I'm excited to be with you. Can I not be excited?"

"I didn't say that." I chuckled as he opened the door for me. I sat down in the seat and Eddie gave me a smile before shutting the door and running over to the drivers side.

"Buckle up, buttercup. We got places to be." He said, while buckling up and starting the car.

"Oh dear lord, help me. Please try to stay atleast 10 over the speed limit."

"Can't promise I will, but I'll try." He smriked as he backed out of Chrissys driveway, and we begun our journey to the skating rink.


"And, we're here." Eddie said, putting the car in park and turning it off.

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