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⚠️TW: DRINK SPIKING, FIGHTING, GETTING DRUNK, (mentions of alcohol)⚠️

I wake up to the sound of glass shattering from downstairs. I had another nightmare, so I'm already shooken up enough. The headaches and nightmares still continue to bug me.

I check the time which read, 10:53 AM. I run downstairs to check if everythings okay. I rush into the kitchen and see a broken beer bottle and Steve on the ground cleaning it up.

"You dumbass," I kneel down and help Steve pick up the glass shards and grab some paper towels to wipe up the beer.

"Shut up, it was an accident," Steve side-eyed me.

"Yeah, well your accident woke me up." I hit the back of Steves head.

"Ow, that wasn't necessary." He rubbed the back of his head. I smirked and threw the paper towel in the trash, along with the glass shards.

"So, what time is the party?" I asked, walking to the pantry to grab a blueberry muffin.

"Eh, I'd say around 6," Steve said, unsure.

"You don't even know what time your own party is? What a loser."

"Shut up, I told everyone to show up around that time." Steve stood up and threw away the other glass shards that he picked up.

"So, you basically invited everyone? You know, most of the highschool and your old senior friends?"

Steve nodded his head, "yeah, I had some friends in junior year so I invited them. Then they most likely told everyone around the highschool. I dont mind though, the more the merrier."

"Never say that again," I cringed. I took a bite out of my muffin. Blueberry muffins are the best in the morning. I would spend my whole life eating them. "You need to go to the store, we're running low on muffins."

(this is true, i give my whole life for blueberry muffins anything with blueberry in it)

Steve chuckled lightly,"do you eat anything else for breakfast other than muffins?"

"Mhm," I hummed," I sometimes eat bacon and eggs."

"Yeah, only if I make them."

"Shush, I'm your sister, I have to eat them."

"Not true," Steve shook his head," you eat them because you like them. Especially if I make them."

"So what," I scoffed. I walked into the living room and turned on the T.V. I sat down on the couch, getting myself comfortable. Full house was on, one of my favorite shows.

I watched Full house for a good 30 minutes before taking a nap. I barely got enough sleep as is because I was woken up. I'm still very tired and I wanna be completely awake for the party. I laid down and fell asleep quite fast.


I wake up at around 3:45. I sit up and see Steve sitting on the end of the couch watching TV. He's watching some show I've never even seen or heard of.

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now