Never Ending

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-1450 WORDS-


"Y/N.." A low growl came from the other side of my bedroom door. I put my head underneath my pillow, trying to block out the deep voice that haunted me. Every once in awhile, I see things, horrible things, things I never once wanted to see, yet alone be in it.

At first, I thought I was losing my mind. I firgured it could be survivors guilt, maybe even stress, but it only continued to get worse over time.

"Go away," I ordered. I knew that whatever that thing was, its not real. I started humming my favorite song to distract myself from that monster that lurked the back of my mind, normally it works. Only this time, it didnt.

A long line of loud bangs hit my door. Getting louder, stronger. "Y/N!" It repeated my name over and over again, voice getting deeper and deeper.

"Go away!" I shouted again. I lifted my head from underneath my pillow to find myself at my old bestfriends house.  Amy. The one who died.

"No.." I muttered to myself. "Get me out of this hell hole!" I screamed. Out of all places, I wouldnt want to be here. A dark shadow lurked the hallway. Slowly getting closer and closer to me. "Y/N" It said in a sweet, soft tone. "Why did you kill me?" I quickly realized that it was my best friend. Memories of the car accident flashed in my mind.

"Y/N, your drunk! Let me drive."  Maria said. "No. No, I can drive" I replied back.  Amy and I were at a party. Alchohol was involved. Amy and I both drunk,hopped in the car and began to drive home.

"Y/N! Look out!" Amy screamed. I wasn't paying attention to the road half the time considering I was trying to talk Amy. There was a deer in the middle of the road. I tried to turn and hit the breaks but the car just tumbled over. Doing many flips before slamming into the ditch.

Car hanging upside down, I unbuckled and immediately hit the ground. "Ow.. Amy?" Amy hung upside down looking like she'd just been eaten alive. Her skin was pale and blood poured out of her many cuts.
I let out a blood curdling scream before crawling out of the car. Amy was sure to be dead. My skin was cut open in many places. My legs skin was completely cut open, glass shards poked through.

"Amy.. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean too." I whimpered. I began to back away slowly while "Amy" just began to get only closer to me.

"Y/N!" It said more aggressively," Why did you kill me?!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Why?!" Its voice croaky and deep.

I covered my ears and closed my eyes as tight as I could, trying my hardest to ignore it.

"WHY!" It yelled again, its deep curdling voice echoed within the walls.

I let out a huge scream only to wake up back at home. I sat up quickly as my quick breathing began to slow down. I heard quick footsteps coming towards my room.
Steve quickly opened my bedroom door to see me  shaking and hyperventilating.

"Y/N? What happened?" He asked in a worried tone. He walked up to my bed and sat down and began hugging me tightly. "Another nightmare?" He asked as he began to rub my back.

"Yeah," I let out a huge sigh as my breathing went back to normal and I stopped shaking. "It was.. It was Amy." I said as Steve gave me a worried look.
"Shh. Its gonna be ok."

"It was my fault she died," I looked at him with tears filling my eyes,"wasn't it?"
"No! No, it wasn't your fault at all," He told me. "I promise, things are gonna get better. Ok?"

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now