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(i think im gonna strangle who ever makes these drawings of eddie)


-1345 WORDS-

"I truly believe I'm gonna pass this final," Maria said with a smug grin on her face. "All thanks to you."

"Mhm," I hummed. Marias smug grin dropped as she scoffed. Maria and I made our way to the science room, our teacher welcoming us inside as we made our way to our seats.

Once the bell rang and everyone was in the classroom, our teacher wished us good luck, and we begun our final. I sped through the final easily, science is my best subject and I know for sure I'm gonna atleast get an A.

I heard someone whisper my name from beside me. I sighed in frustration and turned to look at her paper, pointing to the answer to the question she was on.  "Thanks," she whispered.

"Yeah, no problem," I whispered sarcastically. I finished the test earlier than everyone else. My teacher said I could work on something from another class, but I already had everything finished.


The lunch bell rang and everyone made their way to the cafeteria racing to the lunch line. After I made it through the line, I walked over to my the basketball table and sat down next to Chrissy and Maria.

"I'm 99% sure that I passed that test, all because of Y/N." Maria said. I rolled my eyes as I sat down between the two.

"Yeah, that's because I gave you half of the answers, dumbass." I groaned.

"No need for the name calling, geez."

Chrissy chuckled. Her laugh is adorable, everything about her is adorable. She acts like everything is perfect, but in reality, shes going through some shit. I feel bad for her since she has to act like everything is ok.

Jason came rushing over to the table and sat down at the front. He gave Chrissy a quick peck on the cheek. "So," Jason cleared his throat." Y/N, I heard your brother is uh, throwing a party."

"Oh yeah, my moms out for a buisness trip for awhile." I replied, not looking up trying to avoid making eye contact.

"Well, can't wait to see you there." I could hear Jasons smug grin through his tone. Makes me want to puke.

I scoffed and looked up to see Jason smiling at me. "What do you want, dude?"

"What is that?" Jason acted all confused.

"Don't act confused, dipshit. Your only going so you can get drunk and try to hook up with me."

Chrissy gave me a sad and worried look, as if telling me to stop. I shook my head,"no, its true. This guy wants me back."

"That's not true." He chuckled nervously.

"Cut the crap, Jason. You don't even love Chrissy. I know what happened between you too, and I'm not ok with you doing that."

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now