Always a Loser

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I huddled up close to the wall as the lights began flickering. Someone, rather something, started to bang on the door. I looked down underneath the door to see red, slimy, and monstrous feet. I instantly knew who it was, the monster that continued to torment me in any possible way.

"Go away!" I yelled. But the monster took that opportunity to bang on my door harder. The lights started flickering faster.
"Y/N, open the door." That voice was Amy. I knew the monster was just fucking with me at this point, trying to get me to my breaking point.

"Y/N . Open the god damn door!" The voice got deeper as it just kept repeating my name. Each time it repeated my name it got deeper and deeper. Eventually, the lights stopped flickering and that shitty monster left. I was unsure if I should leave the stall or not. I was having a full blown panic attack at this point and needed fresh air.
I slowly opened the stall door, no signs of anyone, anything, there. It was as if nothing happened, everything was just sunshine and rainbows. I took a deep breath as I left the bathroom and headed straight out of the school. I was shaking and hyperventilating. I opened the school doors as a gush of cool air slapped my face. It made me feel much better. I stopped for a moment to look around, questioning on where to go. I quickly decided that the woods is the best option.

Walking in the woods, I saw a bench. I set down all my stuff and sat down, still hyperventilating. I tried to calm myself down but nothing seemed to work. I heard footsteps coming this way, making me jump. I whipped my head around and saw Steve. He came over to me in a rush as he saw my puffy face and red eyes. He sat down next to me and put his arms around me. I began sobbing into his chest. He rubbed my back and accepted the fact I was drenching his shirt in my tears.

"Shh. Its gonna be ok." Steve comforted me. "Breathe.." My breathing became uneven but it slowed down. I sniffled and wrapped him a tight hug.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Steve asked. I shook my head. It was the last thing I wanted to think or talk about. "Its gonna be okay."

Eventually, my breathing slowed down and I stopped shaking. Steve took my hand,"come on, lets head back to school. You've basically missed first period." He said. I nodded and sat up from the bench. He had his arm still around me as we both headed back to school. I missed my first period. All cause of some stupid panic attack.

"Why are you even here? I thought you left." I asked as we walked back.

"I was in my car talking to some old friends of mine, then I saw you run over here."

"Oh," I chuckled.

My second period class is math with Mrs, O' Donnell. The bell rang and I made it just in time for second period. I sat in the back of the class which people thought was brave because the local 'freak' sat in the back too. Something about that man fascinated me. I will admit I have a small crush on him. That man is hot and I wont hesitate to say it. I even liked him when I was in a relationship with Jason. Hell, I dont think I even liked Jason from the very beginning.

Mrs. O'Donnell continued with her usual lesson which made no since what so ever. The teacher began to pass out the homework, she always gives us time to work on it which is amazing. Half the time I never finish it cause I just sit there looking at it cause it makes no sense.

I sat there trying to figure out how to solve the problem. My eyes began to tear up in frustration cause all I wanted was to have no homework for today.

"Uh, you ok?" I heard a voice ask me. I turned my head and see Eddie Munson, looking at me with concern.

"I- Yeah. I'm fine." I replied flashing him a smile. Eddie was actually speaking to me? Pretty surprising since I'm one of the popular girls and they typically always have something against Eddie.

"You don't look fine." He said. I gave him a weird look. "Sorry, not what I meant."
"No, it's ok. I get what you were trying to say. Im just frusrated, thats all." I gave him a smile before wiping eyes to stop the tears from falling. He smiled back, giving me that horrible, yet adorable smile. I cant be falling for the freak of the school! Whats wrong with me?

Eddie and I were really close, really really. But once highschool started, he kinda became distant with me. Now its like we've never even met before. Whenever we talk, our conversations are awkward. Almost like we never knew each other to begin with. We both took separate paths, doing things we loved. I liked cheer, he liked D&D.

The loud and annoying bell finally rang which means its now break. Eddie came running up behind me and tapped my shoulder, making me jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled, giving me a smile.

"No, you're fine." I said.

"Ok um. This is gonna sound weird but.
Are you sure your ok? Cause you seemed-" Eddie was cut off by Jason walking up to me.

"Hey Y/N. This freak messing with you?" He said, giving Eddie a nasty look.

"Um no.. He wasn't." I sighed. Jason put his arm around me. "Back off freak." Jason pushed Eddie.

"Jason, I said he didn't do anything."

"Shut up Y/N." Jason ordered," you stay away from Eddie. He's a freak, and a loser. He's always been one." Jason grabbed me by the arm and took me outside where all the basketball players and cheerleaders sit. I still sat with them everyday cause I used to be a cheerleader and they still welcomed me with open arms. I turned around and saw Eddie with his head hung low. I frowned. Poor guy didn't do anything. I just decided to let it go this time. I sat down with the cheerleaders, having our normal conversations.

Jason won't stop looking at me. Funny how he still wants me back yet he is currently dating Chrissy, the cheer captain. I felt bad for Chrissy. Jason rarely shows her affection and is extremely toxic at times. The fact he is more in love with me than with his own girlfriend, hurts deeply. I could never want Jason back. He's a bitch half the time and a lousy boyfriend. But it satisfies me that he is so desperate for a relationship.

The bell rang which meant break was over. Everyone headed over to their 3rd period class. My 3rd period is Science with Mrs. Moore. Science is honestly my favorite subject cause all we do is work on some assignment that our teacher gives us, and its an easy subject. On top of that, Maria has science with me and we sit next to each other.

"Hey Y/N." Maria hugged me."I saw Eddie and Jason talking to you earlier. That doesn't sound good, what happened?"
"Oh nothing. Eddie was just trying to tell me something but Jason has to be an overprotective bitch to me." I laughed.
" You know he still wants me back." Maria began laughing with me.

"Thats so sad. Chrissy needs to dump that dumbass and go find herself a better man."

"Thats what I'm saying" Maria and I began working on the assignment that our teacher gave us, exchanging answers to one another to get it done faster.

author note

title: Always a Loser by Dirty Looks

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