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(mentions of alcohol)

-666 WORDS-


I sat on the stair in front of the school entrance, waiting for my brother to pick me up. Eddie already went home, Jason too. I'm all by myself now. Left alone with my thoughts.

I thought what I did was well deserved, I wanted Jason to really know how I felt in that moment. He flirts with me off and on, sometimes in front of Chrissy. Chrissy just pretends not to care, but I know she does deep down, she just doesnt want me to feel bad.

Of course, I do feel bad. I feel horrible. I wish that I never dated Jason in the first place, then everything would be different. Chrissy would be happy, I would be happy, Jason and I wouldnt hate each other. Of course, it cant be that way.

Steves car pulling up to the front of the school snapped me out of my thoughts. A worried Steve came rushing out of the car.

"Hey, what happened, whats wrong?" Steve asked, he knelt down in front of me and grabbed my face. I assumed he saw the red marks on my face and around my neck because his eyes widened at the sight of me."What happened?"

"I got into a fight with Jason, now I'm suspended for 2-weeks. I regret nothing though. He deserved it." I slightly smirked, feeling proud for finally standing up for myself.

Steve lightly chuckled and stood up, putting his hand out,"come on. Lets go home." I took his hand and he lifted me up from the stair. I got in the front seat of his car and buckled in. Steve started the car and we made our way back home.

Steve pulled into our driveway and turned off the car. "Now, the partys tomorrow and you're gonna help me set up."

I groaned,"its not my party, Steve."

"I dont care, its a big party, you're gonna be there so might as well help." Steve took the house keys out of  his pocket and unlocked the door. Most of the decorations were already set up. There was a bar, a dance area, and what seems to be a game center.

"Looks like you've already set up, I'll be going to my room now."

Steve grabbed my wrist and turned me around. "Ah ah ah~ not yet. I need help setting up the games."

I slapped his hand off my wrist, making him let go. "Fine."

Steve and I began finishing setting up the games. There were all sorts of games, like beer pong, spin the bottle, and lots of other games where you get drunk. This made me want to participate even more, the thought of getting hella drunk with your friends gets me excited.

That excitement soon ended when I thought of Jason at the party, being a drunk asshole. My heart pounded at the thought of Jason putting his hands on me again. I can't stop Jason from going because Chrissy will be there and Jason is her ride. I wasnt planning on participating in the party, yet again I still wanna get drunk and have fun. Steve also told me that a friend of his named Robin, will be there. Of course I know her due to all the car rides we've give her. He told be shes cool and that he works with her, I look forward to seeing her again.

"Alright, all done." Steve wiped off his hands,"thank you for helping."

"Like I had a choice,"I scoffed.

"Yeah yeah, cry about it all you want. You're still going by the way."

"I wasnt planning on not going," I lied, I was in fact planning on ditching the party and going somewhere else, just to avoid Jason. I don't wanna hurt Steves feelings by ditching his party, so I have no choice but to suck it up and go to his party.

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now