King Of The Neighborhood

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-698 WORDS-

A long line of bangs came from Eddies front door. Eddie jumped a bit from the loud bangs, not expecting anyone to be knocking this early.

"I'll get it." Eddie got up and walked to the front door. I sat there continuing to eat my waffle still trying to listen in on whoevers at the door.

All of the sudden I hear,"You bitch." I turn around to see Eddie holding his nose and see Jason and Maria standing in the doorway. Maria is quick to notice me and ran inside instantly grabbing my wrist.

"You ok?" She panted, worry filling her voice. "Come on, get in the car."

"Maria? Whats going on?" I ask confused.  Maria doesnt answer and throws me in the backseat.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Jason asked snarkily. "Freak." Jason lifted his arm and swung at him once again. Jason turned around and ran out to his car. Eddie stood there in awe with blood dripping down from his nose.

Jason hopped in the front seat and locked the car doors. He turned around and looked at me. He had a big red mark circling his eye. "You alright? That freak was probably trying to keep you or some shit," said Jason. "I promise he wont lay a finger on you ever."

Maria sat in the front seat also looking at me. "He didnt hurt you did he? Your face looks red and puffy." Maria asked, more kind and gentle than Jason. It made me feel better considering how much she cared for me.

"No." I shook my head,"he didnt do anything to me, Maria."

"Shit, no need for the fucking attitude Y/N." Maria scoffed, muttering "god damn" under her breath.

Jason started up the car and drove off. "I'm taking you home." He said sternly.

Minutes pass by and Jason pulls up in my driveway. I unbuckle and get out of the car instantly, storming off into my house. "Wait!" Jason yelled, getting out of the drivers seat.

"Whats wrong with you?" I asked, confusion covered Jasons expression.

"What- What do you mean?" Jason asked with a slight chuckle.

Anger rose within me. "Why do you always try and play the hero, Jason?" We stood in silence for a moment. "Eddie didnt do shit."

"He tried to kidnap you." Jason snapped.

I laughed,"really? How do you know?" I asked. Jason can be a real dumbass sometimes. "Eddie took me to his trailer and took care of me, for something you did."

"Look, Y/N. I didn't mean too." Jason said, more soft this time but still had some anger in his voice.

"Save it, Jason. I've had enough of your bullshit. I don't need you to try and save me when I don't need to be saved. Stop trying to win my heart back." And with that, I opened the front door and walked inside. Slamming the door and locking it.


Y/N walked away from me slammed the door shut right in my face. Somethings going on and I'm gonna figure it out. I walked back to my car and slammed the door shut.

"What was that about?" Maria asked.

"I don't know but whatever happened between Eddie and Y/N, clearly isn't good."

"What does that mean?" Maria said sassily.

"Y/N said that Eddie didn't do shit. Eddie must of drugged her or something. " I pulled out of Y/Ns driveway and began driving back to Marias house.

I'm gonna figure out whats going on between those too.


I stood in front of my bathroom mirror washing the blood off of my face. Y/N didn't call them and tell them to come here, did she? Nah, who am I kidding. Y/N wouldn't do that, right?

I grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned my nose. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Jason can really be a bitch sometimes. Apparently, he still loves Y/N and keeps trying to win her heart.

I don't care what that bitch wants, I'm gonna prove to Y/N that shes mine.

author note

title: King Of The Neighborhood by The Runaways

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