Someone new

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January 31st, 1979. Wednesday: Hawkins Middle School

"Hey," Eddie said to the young girl sitting at the cafeteria table, almost in a whisper,"Do you mind if I, um, sit here? Sorry, theres no where else."

"Oh, yeah sure. I don't mind." Y/N smiled and Eddie gladly sat down next to her. He placed his tray down which contained his lunch, consisting of a half-pint carton of milk, rectangular pizza, and some fish sticks. Y/N thought it was an odd combination of food, but she wasn't the one to judge, especially to people she had just met.

"I like your hair," Eddie smiled, playing with a strand of Y/Ns hair while she sat there confused. Eddie couldn't help himself and always got too touchy, its a thing everyone scolded him for. He's always been a touchy person and can't seem to control himself.

"Thank you," Y/N smiled. She continued to eat her food while Eddie mainly stared at her. She would catch him staring but he'd quickly look away, pretending like he wasn't. She thought the boy looked quite adorable, with his shaved head and puppy dog eyes. She was also trying not to stare.

"What grade are you in?" Eddie asked, looking at Y/N who was already looking before he even spoke.

"Oh, I'm in, um, 6th. You?" Y/N replied back. Eddie mentally groaned.

"Mm, I'm in 8th." Eddie frowned. She looked much older and mature and Eddie was sure she was in 8th grade like him. "But thats fine. I hope I see you in highschool. You're going to Hawkins high, right?" Eddie prayed to himself as he waited for an answer.

"Oh yeah, I don't think I'm moving anytime soon. I don't think I'll be moving at all."
Y/N chuckled.

"Hey um, I never got your name?" Eddie tilted his head.

"Oh I'm sorry! I'm Y/N. You are..?"

"Dont be sorry. My names Eddie, Eddie munson." The two sat in silence after that which gradually grew awkward. They both couldnt muster up a conversation. They already loved being together, and they even thought that one another was cute. But they knew that they both couldn't have feelings for one another, it was too early. Too young, Eddie thought. Too old, Y/N thought. Although, their age differences weren't far off. 2 year difference to say the least.

Unfortunately, the bell rang and the two went their separate ways. Neither one of them wanted to leave eachother, but they knew that there was always another day.


April 30th, 1979. Monday:Hawkins Middle School

"Eddie!" Y/N yelled from across the hall. The incessant noise in the hall made it difficult for Eddie to hear, but somehow he did. She knew the boy across the hall was Eddie, he was easy to recognize. His buzzed hair could be recognized anywhere. Although, it was starting to grow out. Eddie had told her he wanted to grow it out, down to his shoulders. Even though he's been alienated from the rest of the kids at school, he could care less. His uncle supported his decisions, and thats all that mattered.

Eddie turned around confused and looked around the hallway before spotting Y/N. His face lit up and he stopped walking and waited for Y/N to catch up. Y/N ran up to him and was already out of breath. She's not the fittest person in the world. When she found out that she had to run the mile, she nearly fainted.

"You barely even ran yet you're still out of breath." Eddie laughed. Y/N scoffed, telling him to shut up and they both started walking out of the school. Once they made it out, they sat down across from each other at a nearby picnic table at the front of the school.

"I need help on this math homework." Y/N stuck out her bottom lip, furrowing her eyebrows in attempt to convince him to help her. Although, it was quite dramatic.

"No need to make that- weird looking face. Math is my worst subject so I doubt I'll do you any luck."  Y/N smiled and took out her math homework from her backpack and held it out for him to take. He snatched it from her hands, took one look at it, and immediately gave it back. "I don't understand any of that."

"I hate you." Y/N joked, putting her homework back in her backpack. She knew damn well she felt zero hatred towards Eddie.

"I love you too," Eddie laughed speaking in a funny voice as if he was speaking to a baby and making fake kissing sounds which made Y/N fake gag.

"In your dreams, Munson."

Back to the present.


"Did you actually just cuss?"

"Yeah? So what?" Chrissy questioned.

"Never striked me as the person to cuss."

"Chrissy, what do I do?" I paced around Chrissys bedroom as we tried to muster up a plan on what to tell her mom. I'm half convinced she knows about me on the news.

"I really don't want to go down this path but, you're gonna need to stay at another place." Chrissy shrugged.

"Girl, you cannot be serious. What other place? What other place?!"

"Shh! I-god, I don't know." We sat in silence for a brief moment, both in deep thought.

"I can, you know, just hide. I'm great at that." I suggested.

"Where?" Chrissy asked.

"Man, I don't fucking know! Your closet? Under your bed?" Panic rose within me as I knew I can't hide for that long. "I need to clear my name before I go roaming around outside. The police are trying to find me and I can't just book a hotel somewhere."

"I mean, yeah, you can hide in my closet like whenever my moms around. She leaves a lot anyway so it shouldn't be an issue."


"I'm gonna head downstairs and see whats going on, okay?"

"Thats fine."

author note

title: Someone New by Hozier

(thought it fit)

i hope it makes sense that y/n was in 6th and eddie was in 8th, i didnt really do the math. and yea ik, hawkins middle probably didnt have 6th grade but some schools did, so just roll with it.

i also said many chapters ago that they used to be friends in middle school so..

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