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I collapse into a warm, shaky pair of arms.
"You're okay," he assured me, rocking us side-to-side. I'm completely shaken up, my breathing fast and unsteady, my body slightly shaking. I held on to Steve tightly.

I looked over at Eddie who was crouched down beside us. He looks terrified, his eyes slightly puffy. I slowly get out off Steves grip and move towards him. I gently wrap my arms around him, breathing in his presence. I felt his arms slowly wrap around my waist. "I was so scared Eddie.." I mumbled into his chest.

He put his hand on my head,"I know, me too." He whispered that last part to me.

"Scared of what?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Scared I might lose you." He frowned at his response. I hugged him tighter hearing what he said.

"Oh, Eddie." A tear fell from my face as I buried my face into his chest, the tear soaking into his shirt.

We sat in silence, not awkward silence, it was comforting. Steve eventually joined in our hug. We stayed that way for a couple minutes before pulling away.

It was now just Eddie and I alone in my room. We sat at the edge of my bed in silence, still a comforting silence.

Eddie spoke up,"are you sure your okay?" He looked up to me and gave a slight smile.

I nodded my head slowly," yeah. A little shaken up if I'm being honest." I chuckled at the last bit.

"I bet. Do you think that its- that um, what happened to you is gonna happen, again?"

"No. I'm sure I'll be fine," I hesitated before giving a smile. I cant promise that i'm gonna be fine from here on out. I can't promise that I'll make it out alive.

"Thats good."

I hummed in response. I scratched the back of my head as I stood up."Lets go downstairs and get some breakfast. Forget about the whole thing."

"Sure." Eddie nodded his head before standing up. We walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Steve was cooking some eggs. He didnt bother trying, none of us are in the mood for anything at the moment. We're exhausted and completely stressed out.

Steve finished cooking and placed the plates down on the counter, each with two eggs. I thanked him and sat down in the living room. I kicked my feet up onto the coffee table, making myself comfortable.

Eddie sat down beside me, copying my actions. I turned on the TV and switched the channel to Full House. Eddie quietly chuckled.

I looked over at him,"what?" I asked.

"Nothing its just, I don't see whats so entertaining about this show." Eddie stuffed his face with an egg,"its always something dumb that turns into a lesson."

"Well, thats how lots of TV shows are. This just happens to be one of them." I shrugged and continued watching. Steve sat down in the chair next to the couch.

As I ate my eggs, I couldn't help but feel nauseous. I'm still hungover from last night. I coughed a bit, trying to swallow that bit of nausea, but it didn't go away. I excused myself and ran into the bathroom, Eddie giving me a concerned look as I walked away.

I collapsed in front of the toilet and threw up. It wasn't normal throw up, it was black, and somewhat bloody. I sat there in shock as I flushed the toilet. Steve walked into the bathroom and saw me sitting on the ground in front of the toilet.

"Oh god, are you ok?" He knelt down beside me, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

I wiped my mouth and nodded,"I'm fine."

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now